Chapter 7: Game Day

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Two weeks have passed and Clarke and I have been closer than before. Since that day we exchanged numbers, she has been picking me up from my house and driving me back home. I've noticed in the past 2 weeks that Clarke always do something after school for an hour. Since I volunteered to wait for her, I joined an Art Class which Harper and Maya happily accepted me late. I know I love music more, but I already have music class, might as well use my other free time with Art.

It's Friday. It means Clarke and the rest of the deliquents go on a milkshake and fries kind of afternoon, or movie night. For the past 2 weeks, i've been joining them. Today, there will be no get together. I was confused.

Me: Is there something wrong today? Why aren't we going to have a get together?

Raven: Nothing's wrong Lexie. Tomorrow's just the 1st day of the soccer game.

Octavia: Yep. Usually we don't meet up before the game because everyone needs the energy the following day.

Me: Why do you guys need the energy? Do we need to go and watch?

Raven and Octavia just laughs at me. I look at them confused.

Raven: The soccer team are hotties, Lexa. Everyone goes, i literally mean everyone. They're really good too. And Bell and Linc always perform halftime because of band.

Me: im not a fan of sports. I'll sit this one out. Just tell me tho if we go out after, or anything.

Octavia: Nooo!! You should come. Trust me when I say, you'll thank me that we pushed you to watch.

Raven: Octavia is right. You'll be having fun there. We promise. And besides, you're in America, have fun with our culture.

They laugh at me again. I groan but agreed to join them. They informed that they will pick me up at 2pm since the game will start at 3. I wondered why Clarke's not going to be picking up.

Octavia: Clarke will meet us there. Don't worry.

I blushed at Octavia's comment. I see Raven smirking and looking behind me. I turn around and see Clarke walking towards us. I greet her.

Clarke: Hey princess, ready to go home?

Raven: Ouch Griff. We've been bestfriends since 5. And you never ask me that nice. You always yell 'move your ass or i'll leave'.

Octavia, Clarke and I just laugh at Raven's hurt expression. And to tease Raven even more, Clarke imitated what Raven said which made her groan. We left school and Clarke dropped me to my house. I waived goodbye and tell them i'll see them tomorrow.

I can't wait for Game Day.


Gosh, im so nervous. It's my last 1st game of High School. I shouldn't be nervous right? I've been playing for 4 years, and also growing up. Nothing to worry. If I think of it, the reason why I'm this anxious is because Lexa will be there watching. It will be the first time she'll know I'm part of the team.

I look at the time and it's already 1pm. I have to get ready and be in the stadium at 2 so the team and I can do warm ups and some practicing at the field. I quickly shower and change to workout clothes and made sure my uniform and shoes, and some change of clothes are put in my gym bag. I go downstairs to see mom and Marcus getting ready.

Marcus: you ready, clarke?

Me: yea, but you guys don't need to be there now. Game starts at 3. I already told Raven and Octavia to reserve a seat for the two of you, 2 rows behind them.

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