Chapter 4: Just go

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I have never been excited to go to school. I woke up before my alarm, rushed to take a shower and brush my teeth. I have been ruining my closet because I can't decide which clothes to wear. "Why am I trying to look good?" I shrugged at that idea and decided to wear a simple white top, ripped black pants, shoes and my leather jacket. It's the same like always, but I feel neat and clean.

Abby: Whoa, you're up early. And why do I smell soap? Did you shower? Oh god, who are you and where is my daughter?

Me: Haha very funny mom.

My mom just laughed. And I know she's right. Why am I up so early, cleaning up myself? Does it have to do with a certain brunette? I shrugged when my mom called me for breakfast.

Me: Smells nice mom. Why do we have so many tho? Are we having company?

I joked. Since it's been 3 years that it was just the two of us. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Abby: Actually, we are.

I almost choked on my pancakes when a tall black-haired man showed up in our kitchen.

Abby: Sweetie, this Marcus. Marcus this is my daughter Clarke.

Marcus: Nice to meet you Clarke. I'm Marcus, Marcus Kane...

But before he could finish his sentence. I ran outside as fast as I can. Raven was already walking towards my house when she saw me. I dragged her far away to the bus stop.

Raven: Whoa slow down Griff. What's wrong? Not that I don't mind some exercise, but god my body's old.

I scoff at Raven's comment. Because it's true. She's a lazy old hag. But then I remember the scenario at home.

Me: i.. my mom...she...

I couldn't form the words. And Raven understood it. She just engulfed me in a big hug knowing something is wrong.

Raven: it's okay clarke. You don't need to tell me.

Me: No, it's not that bad. I just panicked. Mom brought home a guy named Marcus Kane. I quickly ran and panicked without knowing who he was in my mom's life. I quickly assumed they were dating.

But before Raven could say something, a car pulled up infront of us. It was Marcus with his Mercedes Benz Car.

Marcus: Clarke im sorry i scared you off

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Marcus: Clarke im sorry i scared you off. But your mom said it's about time i meet you. I really am sorry. But please, school is important. We can talk about this when you are ready. I understand that. I'll drive you both to school. I asked your mom if I could do it and told her to leave for work

I nod not looking at him. Raven on the other hand was mesmerized by the car. She loves cars. We both went inside the car and Marcus drove us to school in silence.

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