Chapter 63: No More Hiding

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It's time for me to tell everyone. I've been here for over a month and they have been nothing but nice to me. The delinquents come eat brunch with us every Sunday and yet they have no idea what's going on. Also with Anya and Luna, they work in my company and I want to be their friend, i need to stop hiding so I texted Abby

 Also with Anya and Luna, they work in my company and I want to be their friend, i need to stop hiding so I texted Abby

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It's almost dinner. Abby and Marcus came home at 3pm to help me prepare tonight but I insisted I'll do it. Abby went to rest and Marcus still helped me prepare dinner. I'm thankful for him, really. He was talking to me, making sure I was ready and that there's no need to be afraid.

Nothing right?

Next thing I know, the doorbell rang. One by one, the delinquents come in. Then Anya and Luna, Raven and Octavia, and the last was Lexa.

Lexa: Sorry I'm late. I just finished signing some contracts.

Clarke: It's all good. I'm glad you're here

I smiled at her. Dinner went by pretty fast. Gosh, why? I barely touched my food and i'm pretty annoyingly hungry. But i was too nervous. What will they think of me? They'll hate me for lying.

After everything was cleaned, we all went at the backyard to sit around the fireplace. Then I started talking. I told them about the accident and how I lost my memories. They all look at me shock.

Me: So that's my story. I lost everything and the only thing I remember is from the day I woke up at the hospital 5 years ago.

Bell: You what?

Murphy: Holy shit, Griff.

Me: I'm sorry I hid this from you. I didn't know how to tell you guys.

Bell: We still love you Clarkiee.

Anya: We may not be close physically before but we were your friend Clarke. I'm sorry we weren't there for you during those times.

Luna: Yea, I thought bad things about you just forgetting everyone. But now I understand. We're sorry.

They were all sincere in accepting about what happened. We shed tears and gave each others hugs. I look at Lexa who was sitting across me, looking down. What's wrong with her? Then suddenly Raven spoke.

Raven: Now it's out, I want to ask what happened to your kid?

My eyes widen as well as everyone else. Abby stood up shocked


I reacted quickly before this escaltes

Me: No no i don't. I think what Raven is saying is about the kid I was with the first time they saw me.

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