Chapter 18: Blood

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Lexa, me, mom and Marcus finish eating brunch. Marcus really cooks good, better than mom, i tease. We all laugh together and it's like nothing happened.

Marcus suggested we do a movie day before we all go grocery shopping. He's being the head of our household. Before thanksgiving, mom asked Marcus to move in with us. And I happily said yes too when mom asked me if it's okay. It's hard for me to call Marcus dad, but still, he's becoming one.

We all go sit at the living room and as Lexa and I scroll through Netflix, Marcus and Abby makes popcorn and some hot cocoa. Yes, hot cocoa because it rained all night and all morning. It was a cold and gloomy day.

Throughout the movie, Lexa scooted closer to me so I draped the blanket for the both of us. I see my mom and Marcus looking at the both of grinning and I just roll my eyes. We finished the 1st movie: Mary Poppins. We decided to watch another one: Ratatouille. Before we played it mom asked me to help her make some more snacks.

Abby: So, you and Lexa? When will you tell me?

Me: Mom, there's nothing going on. Something happened in their place and I just helped her. She isn't ready to talk about it yet.

My mom nods and we heat up some poptarts and bring water, since we were already full of sweets.

My mom nods and we heat up some poptarts and bring water, since we were already full of sweets

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We were watching and teasing mom that she needs a Ratatouille to make her cooking better. When suddenly there was an annoying ringing of the doorbell. I stand up to go see and Marcus pauses the movie. As i open the door, my face meets a fist. I fall down and I get dizzy. I hear muffled sounds around me and next thing, black.


The Griffin-Kane household and I are watching a movie when we get interrupted by someone at the door. Clarke went to get it then I immediately hear her scream and fall down. I look at her and see my dad who just punched Clarke.

Me: What the hell dad? What are you doing here?

Marcus and Abby runs infront me and Clarke. Abby pulls Clarke to the side to check her, she's unconscious.

Marcus: excuse me sir, but you have no right to hit her like that. I suggest you leave.

Becca: And who are you talk to me like that? You are not her dad. You have no legal right to be here too.

I stand up from Clarke and scream to go attack my so-called parents but Marcus pulls me away

Marcus: Stay down, Lexa. Let me handle this.

I nod and glare and Becca and Gustus.

Becca: you have no right to tell her what to do. Come on Lexa, let's go home.

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