Chapter 55: No More Lies

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I was almost in tears thinking about everything that I've been through, all the lies I believed. Thankfully Niylah came in my office. She looks guilty.

Niylah: We need to talk

Me: Oh uh, sure. What's going on?

Niylah: I can't do this anymore, Alexís.

Me: What do you mean? Are you breaking up with me?

Niylah: Oui (yes)

Me: Quoi? Non, tu ne peux pas me quitter (what? no, you can't leave me)

Niylah: désolé, Alexís. Pardonne-moi. (I'm sorry. Forgive me)

Me: Niylah, wait!

At that, she left. She just left. I took my stuff and walk out the office as fast as I can. When I arrive at our apartment, it was already empty. No sign of Niylah nor Marie. What is happening?!

I went to bed sobbing. I'm regretting finding out the truth if it means me losing everyone I have now and hurting myself on the process. I fell asleep because I got tired crying

 I fell asleep because I got tired crying

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I just got out of the hospital after 8 months of coma and 1 month of recovery. I went back to school to ask how can I catch up and still graduate on time. They gave me options and offered me summer classes. Of course I took it even though I am worried that I lost all knowledge I learned from school.

I noticed that I only started with business. But my dad insited on enrolling law, management and communication humanities. He said that this will help me in the future. Of course i believed him. So I did. I was studying 24/7. I was caged in my room or in the library just studying.

Until one day, I bumped into this dirty blonde girl on my way back to dorm. Since then, it was always the two of us running around school and studying.

Months later, I got episodes where my head will hurt so badly that I can't even get up. I just roll up like a sushi because of the pain. But Niylah never left. She stayed despite her knowing what I was experience. She stayed. She became my rock. She listened to all my questions about my past. She made me realize that I should not dwell on the past. She pulled me out of the grave.

 She pulled me out of the grave

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