Chapter 47: Don't

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One more week and I'm going home to LA. I can finally see Lexa. I miss her so much. I miss her touch, her smell, everything about her. It's the weekend so I plan on going shopping for gifts for Lexa and for mom and Marcus and the rest of the delinquents. Amazingly, Paris is nice to student workers. I work every night at the local cafe infront of the school to earn more money. Since at night, there only a few going at the cafe, mostly students studying, I get to study there too. So when it comes to cash, time and studies, i'm not that worried.

I was walking to the next boutique when i hear my phone ring. It's Lexa calling me.

Lexa: Hey, Clarke.

Me: Hey, love. Finished eating dinner?

Lexa: Yea we did. I came home with Raven and Octavia so Abby and Marcus took us out for dinner.

Me: Aww that's nice. I miss that.

Lexa: Yea, wish you were here.

Me: Don't worry, love. I'll be home in a few days. Can't wait to kiss you.

Lexa: Yea.

I hear a sad voice from Lexa.

Me: hey, love. Everything okay?

Lexa: Yea, i just miss you so much.

I hear her faint sobs.

Me: I miss you too, Lex. Only a few more days and we'll see each other again.

Lexa: I guess you're right. I have to go, Raven and Octavia are dragging me to watch movies with them.

Me: Haha sure. Have fun, princess. Tell them I said hi.

Lexa: Will do.

Me: I love-

She ended the call. That's odd.

----------------------------------------------------------LEXA POV4 more days and Clarke's home

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4 more days and Clarke's home. I miss her so much. She left me her leather jacket so I could use it whenever I want and it smells like her. But in 3 months, the scent is gone. Spraying her cologne is different if it came from her. I miss her kisses and cuddles.

It has been a long 3 months and it's getting harder and harder. 1st few weeks, it was nice since our classes were still new. But after a few weeks, it became harder. Classes demand more study hours. Our usual 3hour conversation in the morning and in the evening, cuts off to one. And with our time working, it just keeps on getting short. It sucks I know, the time difference is pretty annoying. But we have to keep strong. I love her.

I came back home without telling Marcus or Abby. I don't know why but I felt like coming back. It's like there's something missing. I know it's Clarke but I don't know if I can do this anymore.

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