Chapter 6: Welcome

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I groan as my mom knock on my door saying it's time to get up. I should not be mad right? She's my mom, she deserves to be happy. It's been 3 years, even tho Jake is my stepdad, he will always be my dad. With these thoughts, I go back and wonder who my biological dad is, why did he leave? Did he know about me? I get snapped back to reality with a facetime call from Raven and Octavia.

(FACETIME)Raven: ClarkieeeeeOctavia: Hey Griff

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Raven: Clarkieeeee
Octavia: Hey Griff. You ready for brunch?
Me: What do you think? (I groan.)
Raven: Whoa, chill out Griff. We're here for you, you know.
Octavia: Yea. You could speed dial us if things get ugly. We'll be near the restaurant.
Me: Haha thanks guys. You really are my life savers. But you don't need to. It'll be good. I hope.
Raven: Oh what would you do without me.
Octavia: Excuse me, what who she do without ME!
I laugh at how they annoy each other and forgot that I was at the other line.
Me: As much as I want to watch you two fight, I need to get ready.
Raven: Tell her im more important Clarke. Tell her!
Octavia: No tell her me Clarke. Me me me.
Me: Oh children, I'm the most important. Now i love you both, I gotta go. Love you!
O and Rae: Fine. Love you!

I laugh at my bestfriends. They really are the best people. I get up and have a quick shower and change my clothes into something more 'meeting the possible lover of mom' kind of outfit. Not forgetting my leather jacket ofcourse.

 Not forgetting my leather jacket ofcourse

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I go downstairs to meet my mom. Marcus was already there. Seeing my mom laugh at what Marcus was showing to her and I see how he try to look at my mom so softly like she was the most precious thing he sees. I clear my throat and they immediately stand up and Marcus greets me.

Me: So, where are we going?

The 3 of us ride Marcus' car. It was another car, but a Mercedes Benz (MB). I wonder how rich this guy is. I mean, MB costs a fortune. In a few minutes we arrive at Chef's Kitchen. It is one of the most expensive fine dining restaurants and in need of reservations. 'Marcus is probably rich' i thought. The waitress lead us to our table and we order. Gosh the prices are high. While waiting for our food, i speak up to break the awkward air.

Me: So, Marcus, how did you and mom meet?

Marcus: ah well, i went to the hospital for a flu shot actually. Im old i know but it's flu season, i can't afford to be sick now. So yea, i went to the hospital and met your mom there. She was the one who gave me a vaccine.

Me: mom's a surgeon.

Marcus: i didnt know it then. I thought she was a nurse since she was only wearing her orange scrubs.

Abby: yea, he quickly judged me by my looks. But hey might as well play with his ego. So i gave him his shot. Then Dr. Bailey called me for my next surgery. She was shocked as to why Im giving shots.

I was smiling at how my mom and Marcus are relieving the day they met. It's a genuine smile. I haven't seen my mom that happy in a long time. She's been at home more, too. And well, making me food too. I think Marcus is good for my mom.

Abby: And then, Marcus just looked down realizing I am a brain surgeon not someone who gives shots.

Me: Well that's interesting. I think you should not wear scrubs mom. Looks like you will look like a nurse or something.

We all laugh at stories about Marcus and mom going on dates and all. And how they tried to have a relationship. The food was served and it is the best food, the prices are understandable with this taste. After brunch, Marcus drives me and mom home.

Marcus: i hope the two of you had fun. I sure did.

Me: we did. Thank you for brunch, Marcus. And thank you for making my mom smile. I hope i see you more often.

I saw my mom tear up. Marcus smiled so big and so did i. My mom engulfed into a big hug and I signaled Marcus to join the family hug. And he did.

Marcus: Thank you, Clarke. I will be here for you and your mom. I cannot make any promises, but I can say that I will be here no matter what.

Me: Thank you, really. You can stay for a while if you want. Or take mom on a date. I have to be with Raven and Octavia anyways.

Abby: Thank you sweetheart. I love you.

Me: Love you too mom. Marcus, mom should be home not later than 10pm. You hear me?

Mom and Marcus laughs. I glare at Marcus and he stood up straight and gave me a yes maam salute. I laugh and went back to my room. Thinking how my mom is happy. How i am happy with it. How our family is getting bigger. I check my phone to call Octavia and Raven when I see Lexa texted me.

Lexa: Hey, commander!
Lexa: Oh i forgot you have something to do today. Text me whenever :)

I laugh at how cute she is. She doesn't know what she's doing to me. I respond.

Me: Hey, princess. Sorry i just got home. What's up?
Lexa: hey you. Nothing much. What did you do?
Me: Nothing, went out for brunch with my mom and her new boyfriend.
Lexa: Oh wow, sorry i disturbed. How did it go?
Me: suprisingly good. I didn't know I'll like him, but i did. The thought of mom replacing my dad worried me, but seeing them together made my heart melt. They are happy together. And i am too. I know dad is too.
Lexa: aww. You're right, you're dad is happy for you and your mom. I'm sorry about your dad.
Me: All good. It's been 3 years. It is still not easy but he knows I love him.
Lexa: yes he does. Im glad you shared this with me, Clarke. It means a lot.
Me: Don't get too sappy, princess ;)
Lexa: Who says I am? 🤔
Me: And here I am thinking you are an introvert.
Lexa: Haha only through text i am like this and to you, apparently.
Me: i am honored to witness an extrovert Lexa Woods 😅

I laugh at how at ease Lexa is to talking to me. As to i. I was shocked at how easy it is talking to Lexa about Marcus and dad. I didn't go into details, but it's like I can trust her and I feel safe talking to her. Our conversation was cut short because Raven and Octavia was calling me again.

I told them how it went and how i am feeling.
I feel happy.


End of Chapter 6.

Chapter all about Clarke, Marcus and Abby. Sorry about that. Needed to introduce them as well. For future reference don't worry. I will be having one more chapter about the 3 soon, explaining Clarke's questions about Marcus' job and all.
I'll also be having a chapter about Lexa and her side of family and friends.

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xx lovelots

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