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The taxi driver pulled up to my old house and said, "Look's kind of empty. Do you have a key?" 

"Yes, I have one," I lied to him and got out of the car and opened the trunk. I took out my luggage and walked up the steps to my house. I looked down at the 'Welcome' mat and lifted it up, revealing the spare key. I picked it up, unlocking the door and pushing it open. I stepped inside and took a quick look around. It was the same as I had left it, except for the absence of my parents. I grabbed my luggage and hauled it inside, figuring I would unpack later. 

Jenna had texted me earlier saying to go to school as soon as possible to obtain my schedule. It was fairly early, only nine in the morning. I had missed a period or two. Thankfully the walk to school wasn't far. I had begun my walk when a truck pulled up. "Is that Rosalie Gilbert?" I heard a familiar voice say. 

"Matt Donovan. Is my sister still dragging you along?" I joked with a smile.

He frowned, "She broke up with me right before your parents died." 

"Oh, I'm sorry Matt. I had no idea," I apologized. 

"It's ok. Hey, how about a ride?" he asked as he unlocked the doors. 

"Sure, but don't tell anyone I'm back yet. I want it to be a surprise," I smiled, jumping into the truck.

"No prob, stranger," he chuckled, driving off. 

* * * * 

I walked into the main building and went straight to the office. There was a boy there with brown hair and a hot back. I walked up to the desk and set my arms on it waiting for the secretary to give me my schedule as she was talking to the boy next to me. "You're missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts." 

The boy took his glasses off and said, "Please look again. I'm sure everything you need is there." She stared at him for a moment before looking down at her papers again. 

"Well, you're right. So, it is. I will be one moment with your schedule," she said, looking back up at him again and getting up to fetch him his schedule. 

"Wow, you're really convincing," I joked, looking at the boy. 

He furrowed his brows, "Denise?" 

I looked at him, confused, "Uhm, no you must have got the wrong person. I'm Rose." 

"Stefan," he replied back with a small smile. The secretary came back with Stefan's schedule and turned to me as Stefan left. 

"I'm here for my schedule please," I asked her politely. "Rosalie Gilbert." She nodded, clicking a few things on her computer before she ran off to the back where the printer was. She handed me a small slip of paper. "Thank you." I looked down at the schedule to check my next class. History, with Tanner, how fun. 

* * * *

I was patiently waiting for Elena to show up at the cemetery. I had gotten through a full day of school and I was less than excited to do it again. I didn't have to wait much longer as Elena had just walked up. Her eyes widened, a smile gracing her features as she realized it was me. "Rose! I didn't know you were coming back so soon. Why didn't you text me?"

I shrugged, "I wanted it to be a surprise." I walked toward her to wrap her in a hug

"Consider me surprised then. How did you know I'd be here?" She asked me. 

"We're twins, Elena" I rolled my eyes. "Twin telepathy." 

"Well, I usually write in my diary, but we can go straight home if you want?" Elena asked me. 

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