𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝕴𝖘𝖘𝖚𝖊𝖘

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I was sitting in my room, drawing. I had gone home like Damon told me and crashed as soon as I laid in bed. Drawing felt like an escape from my love life right now. I was just decorating the page with flowers and different plants. It was simple, but I liked to add a lot of detail. 

I heard boots coming up the stairs. It's probably Uncle John. The asshole came in last night. Instead of finding Isobel, Stefan found John. John claimed he wanted to help us, but I didn't believe it for a second. I heard a knock from my bedroom door before it creaked open, revealing Damon. Great, not what I need right now. 

I continued to draw as he closed my door and sat across from me on my bed. "Did you clear everything up with Elena?" He asked me. I didn't answer, continuing my drawing. I knew I was being petty; I probably didn't even have a reason to be. He was hurt last night and now I'm basically holding it against him. It's fine, sometimes it's fun to be petty. He groaned, "You're ignoring me now?" I remained silent as he shuffled to sit next to me. 

I hate how good he smells. He brushed my hair back, planting a kiss on my cheek. He trailed kisses from my jaw to my neck; I tried my hardest not to give him a reaction of any kind. I dropped my pencil, putting my hand on his shoulder, as if I wanted more, but ended up siphoning him. He pulled away, a wince on his face. "That needs to stop," he said. I smiled a little, shrugging. "Answer my question. Did you clear everything up with your sister?"

"We did, but she ended up getting onto me about something else, so. . . no." I didn't want to tell him Elena thought he wasn't good for me. Because in my eyes he was perfect, he didn't need to change to fit Elena's standards. 

"What did you fight about?" He shuffled closer, looking at my drawing. 

"Nothing," I shook my head. "Did you kill that girl, Jessica?" I asked him. Only two vampires were left in town after Rose died. Stefan is obviously on his bunny diet, so that left Damon.

"Yea," he confirmed as I hummed in response. "You know what you should add?" He pointed to my drawing.

"What?" I raised my brows.

"A badass, sexy vampire," he smirked. 

"So, Stefan?" I joked as his smirk vanished. He grabbed my pencil from my hand and scribbled all over my artwork. This little-"You bitch!" I lunged for him, pinning his wrists down as I straddled him.

"Ah, Ah, don't even-" I cut him off by siphoning him. His face contorting in pain before he eventually pushed me off. I breathed out a laugh as I landed next to him on my back. It was silent for a moment before he spoke up, "I'm sorry. For yesterday. I shouldn't have pushed you away. You were just trying to help." I don't think I've ever heard him say sorry. 

"It's ok. I shouldn't have pressured you into saying how you feel." 

"No, you thought talking about it would help. But I was being stubborn and not even hearing you out."

"It's ok," I mumbled. "But," I sat up, pointing a finger at him. "Don't think for a second that you are forgiven just yet. You're gonna have to do a lot of work to get back in my good graces."

"Of course, your highness," he joked, his signature eye roll coming right after. "Ok, c'mon, today is the day your Uncle John dies." He stood up, fixing his jacket. 

My eyes widened as I sat up, "What, no, you can't-" 

He rolled his eyes once more, "Oh relax, I'm just joking." I narrowed my eyes. "Ok, half joking. Now c'mon." He grabbed my arms, pulling me to stand up. 

* * * *

"We just need answers. Please don't do anything stupid," I told Damon as we walked into the grill. 

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