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"I'm supposed to help build the Miss Mystic Float for the Founder's Day Parade," I spoke into the phone, talking to Damon. I had called Stefan to see how he was doing but you can see how that went. "If I don't, I get the wrath of Caroline. But I wanted to check in first," I said, making sure everything was in my school bag.

"Well, I'm doing great. Thanks for asking," he said, I could feel him smirk through the phone.

"I'm checking on Stefan," I said, zipping up my bag and going to my dresser and picking up some pencils and walking back to my bag, putting them in.

"Oh him? Oh. He's-He's terrible," he said in a serious tone.

I furrowed my brows, "What's the matter?"

"He's just back to boring, strait-laced, off the junk. You and Elena successfully cured him of anything that was interesting about his personality," he said, as I let myself relax.

"Don't forget you helped," I sang to him in a taunting way.

"I hate myself," He sung back, chuckling. "Hey, did Uncle John mention anything to you about my field trip with the history teacher?"

"No, I've still been avoiding him. Why? What's he up to?" I asked, shoving some papers into my bag.

"I don't know. But I'd love it if you could find out for me," he said.

"I gotta go. I'm late," I said, ignoring his previous statement.

"Have fun with the Mystic Queen. I know I did," He hung up the phone. I couldn't help but have a wave of jealousy flow through me. Why am I jealous? We're not even together. He doesn't see me like that. I need to get rid of these feelings, but no matter how hard I try, I can't. I tried distancing myself, but I failed miserably. I can't do anything right.


I walked into school with Elena and Stefan, Alaric immediately walked up to us. "Hey, Mr. Saltzman," I greeted.

"Come with me. We need to talk," He said in hushed tone and walking ahead of us, leading us into his classroom. Elena and I looked at each other with furrowed brows as we followed him.


We were sitting in Alaric's classroom, waiting for Damon to arrive. Apparently, Isobel wants to see Elena. And my sister wanted me to be there for support. The door opened and in walked Damon. "Damon. Thanks for coming."

"Sorry I'm late. The dog ate my, uh. . ." Damon said, walking in and then continuing, looking at Ric, "Never mind." He looked around at us, who hadn't spoken a word since he got here. "What's all the furrowed brows?"

"I saw Isobel last night," Ric said, catching Damon's attention.

"Isobel's here? In town?" Damon asks, Ric nodding in response. Damon looks at Elena and I as we just look at him back, having nothing to say. A couple of minutes pass with Damon walking over to stand beside Stefan on the other side of the desk and the rest of it in silence, until Damon breaks it. "Did you ask her about Uncle John? Are they working together?"

"No," Alaric responds.

"No, they're not?" Damon asks, hoping for a good answer.

"No, I didn't ask," Alaric answers.

"What about the invention?" Damon asks, walking closer to Ric.

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