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I stopped screaming and tried to undo my seatbelt only for it to be stuck. The man came closer and I only fumbled with my seatbelt more. He was standing right in front of me and I screamed, then he vamp sped away. I saw a new face appear and I screamed once more. "How ya doing in there?" He spoke. 

"Damon," I sighed in relief. I could feel the blood flowing to my brain. 

"You look stuck," No shit, Sherlock. He stood up and began to search the car from the top. 

"It's my seat belt. I can't-" I was beginning to cry a little and a sob came out. 

"Shh shh shh shh," He comforted. He ducked down to where I was at, "Let me get you out of here. I want you to put your hands on the roof." I slowly put my hands on the roof. "Just like that. You ready?" No. I nodded. "One, two, three," he said as he yanked the seatbelt and I fell a little but he caught me. He bridal carried me as I rested my head on his shoulder and my arms were around his neck. "Are you ok? Can you stand? Anything broken? " He asked me as I only answered his last question with a shake of my head. He set me down on the ground but my legs gave out, but he caught me. "Woah, you're fading fast, Rose. Rose, look at me. Focus. Look at me," he said as he put his hand on my chin and his thumb was touching my bottom lip. Butterflies would have exploded, but I'm kind of near my death.  I opened my eyes as best I could. "Ok," He mumbled in relief. 

"I look like her," I said in a strained voice. 

"What?" He asked me to repeat, but I never got the chance to. 


I was starting to wake up and it felt like I needed to throw up. I could hear faint music in the background. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at the passing trees. I picked my head up and I heard the familiar voice, "Morning." 

I looked over at him and then to the front of me, "Where are we?" 

"Georgia," he responded. 

"Georgia? No, no. No, we're not. Seriously, Damon. Where are we?" 

"Seriously, we're--we're in Georgia. How ya feeling?" He looked towards me. 


"There's no broken bones. I checked."

"My car. Well, that's not even my car, it's my sister's. There was man. I hit a man. But then he got up and--Who was that?"

"That's what I would like to know."

"Where's my phone?" I checked my pockets for my phone, but they were empty. "Ok. We really need to go back. Nobody knows where I am. Pull over. I mean it, Damon. Pull over! Stop the car!"

He groaned, "You were so much more fun when you were asleep." He pulled over and as soon as the car stopped, I opened the door. I leaned against the car to keep me steady rested my hands on my knees. Now I really feel like I need to throw up. Damon vamp sped over to me and put an arm around my waist and one on my arm. 

"I'm fine," I told him, shrugging him off. Why is he pretending to care? "We have to go back."

"Oh, come on. Look. We've already come this far."

"Why are you doing this? I can't be in Georgia. I wrecked my sister's car. I have to go home. This is kidnapping."

"That's a little melodramatic, don't you think?" He had a small smirk on his face. 

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