parents approval ?❤

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Im back i guess- oop

Inarizaki and itachiyama timezone (and msby timezone)
Atsumu's pov

It was fun yesterday! Me and omi-kun went on a date. He took me to a festival and we rode a hot air balloon! It was so cool! We shared a kiss when we were in the air. Omi filmed me again. His photography skills might kill me someday.

He spent the night 'ere since my moms and osamu were gone. And we might or might not have some fun.

I woke up with omi by my side and i hugged his back. " 'Gmorning omi~" he faced me and kissed my lips. "Morning love" god his morning voice is hot- "yer breath stinks omi" he chuckled and we got up. We cleaned ourselves up and went down stairs. We smelled food and i was shocked.

"MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING 'ERE ?!" i yelled "its 8am in the morning tsumu- but my work let me home early. Go wake up your mama and osamu- oh i think suna was here too- wait youre here too kiyoomi ?" We both blushed. What if she heared us. "Uhm- goodmorning mrs.miya-" he said nervously. "Atsumu go call them. The food is ready" i nodded.

We were all in the dining room- well except for mama. My mom sighed.

"HIROMI!" She went to their room. After awhile she came out with mama. Mom was dragging mama by the ear. "Gomen! Gomen! I over-worked myself Miri let go of 'ma ear please-" mom lets go of 'er ear. Me and osamu laughed. "SHUT YER TRAP" mom scolded us all "okay! Now everyone is here~ lets eat!"


while we were eating mom spoke "im banning kiyoomi for awhile" "what? Why ?" "Honey- maybe try to keep it down for awhile" me and omi blushed. Osamu and rin laughed. "It also goes to rin" "what ?!" "Both of you were loud- lets be honest in this household, okay ?" The four of us were blushing madly. Then mama started laughing.

"Oh my- Miri- Sorry i cant- WAHAHAHA" "whats so funny ?" My mom asked "well- first of all~ i didnt know atsumu was a bottom- secondly,  we have been doing it younger than their age-" then a spoon came flying at mama. "HIROMI!"

We had a good time in breakfast we laughed and told stories. It was then time for omi to go.

"Omi~ i wont get to see you for two months! We have to wait for training camp..." "its okay baby" he took off his mask kissed me and my forehead "imma miss ya omi~" i hugged him "im gonna miss you too" he kissed my lips one more time before putting his mask back up and rode the bus. I stayed at the bus station until i couldnt see the bus no more.

I sighed and went back to our house. "Tsumu ya okay son ?" Mama asked me. "Yea everything is fine. Where is osamu and mom ?" "Osamu went to suna's house to bring him back and yer mom is sleeping. She had a troublesome night." I nodded "i know you didnt want kiyoomi to leave. C'mon lets play volleyball and talk about it." "You know how to play ma ?" "Ofcourse!"

I grabbed my volleyball abd we went out on our court backyard. She smiled once she saw me. We played and as we were playing she talked to me. "Ya know- your mom and i used to live far away from each other. She lived here while i lived in tokyo. So kinda like you and kiyoomi-" i heared her sigh "my parents didnt like that i was a lesbian but- yer mom helped me. I realized that love comes with patience honey. We were patient and look at us now!" She grabbed the ball in mid air. "We have two beautiful twins"

She came near me and pinched my cheeks "ow- mama- that hurts!" "Sorry baby, just be patient. Your love is like a new planted seed. Either you wait paitiently for it to grow big and healthy or you let it wither and die" "mama- thats why you became a writer-" she chuckled. "But i have a question-" "who is the top and bottom between you and mom..." she whispered it in my ear and it shocked me- i wasnt expecting that answer.

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