accept me 🖤💜

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So uhm this chapter is just a way to express my feelings right now and to get it of my chest . I'll probably will have a sappy ass paragraph at the end , you can choose to read it or not.
Atsumu's pov
(7 years old)
"Oh my god , you did so great 'samu!" My mom exclaimed. "You need to be more like him, get your grades up!" She said even though i was just 3 points behind him.

(10 years old)
"Wow 'samu you so great at volleyball, you jump so high and you hit the ball really hard . Thats so cool" my dad exclaimed. "C'mon atsumu being a setter wont do you anything" i looked down at my feet. I didnt even do anything wrong , why are you scolding me ? I thought but i couldnt tell it to them out loud.

(13 years old)
"Happy birthday to you 'samu" they give him a box. Inside was the newest ipad and a play station. He thanked them. "Happy birthday" thats what they just said to me and went off to grab the cake. "Happy birthday~ i got you a present cause mommy and daddy didnt give you anything " he gave me a volleyball. "Thanks , happy birthday to you too " i said happily.

(16 years old)
"Why did you dye your hair ?" She slapped me " CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT ?!" i just looked at the ground not minding the scratch that she made. "Be more like your brother goddammit".

(19 years old)
"Your going to college now, why didnt you go to tokyo like your brother ? You were always the dumb one" "bye" i said wanting to get away quickly.

Few weeks in college started good. I saw some of the old people that i used to play against in highschool, like shoyo , bokuto and sakusa. Right now im closest to sakusa. Even though he might seem annoyed he enjoys the company and he lets me touch him, not in a weird way though . I felt like being with him is the closest feeling i ever had to home. I really really like him but i dont wanna ruin our friendship.

My brother texted me that they were gonna live at my apartment for two weeks because its their vacation. I was excited to see my brother but now my parents.

Once they arrived my parents quickly judge my apartment . "You really need to better" i sighed expecting a comment like that.

When we were eating they couldnt stop comparing me  "samu is top on their mid-terms and you just get 91%" , "your brother is so talented and you cant even do things right" and many more . My patience was running thin and i snapped " you said you were here for a vacation , but why are you just comparing me to samu all the time , i know he is a great person himself but im different cant you see that ?!" I said before running out my apartment.

I didnt know where to run. I tripped and i fell on my face and it stung so i went to the nearest mini-store and just sat down. While i was waiting time to pass i heared someone call me "tsumu ?" I looked up to see sakusa. "Oh hey" "why are you here its late already" "my parents stayed at my apartment and things didnt seem to go as planned so i walked out and now i have nowhere to go" "you wanna stay at my house i need company anyways" i jùst nodded.

When we get to his house he said i should sit down for a minute. When he came back he held a first aid kit and started to treat my wound "so are you gonna tell me what happened ?" "Its nothing- AH" he put preassure to the wound more when i said nothing "are you gonna tell me or not ?" "Fine , fine im just tired of them comparing me to my twin brother" "hm i see, but why though you two are completely two opposite people. They shouldnt compare you to him. Your you" he said putting a bandaid on the wound. "You really think that ? Ive been compared all my life and i just think i shouldnt be born at all" i said closing my eyes and leaning back on the sofa. "Well if you werent born i wouldnt think i could even talk to people, i like you the way you are" "you like me omi-kun ~ ?" "Uh-uhm n-not like t-that" "aww but why are you stutering ?" "F-fine - i like you" "wait - REALLY i was joking but i like you too" sakusa then buried his head on his hands. I pushed his hands away to see his blushing face and i kissed him and he kissed back.

Sakusa kiyoomi you were the first person who accepts me for me.

So i just wanna say please do not compare anyone to anyone because it really hurts. And everytime you compare us we feel anxious , depressed and pressured and if we fail it doesnt mean that we dont try we give it our best shot everytime. When we are compared we get tired of your bullshit so please. DO . NOT . COMPARE. US . IT . HURTS !
Us complaining doesnt mean were arguing it means that what we think your doing is wrong. Please dont compare people we are all people . We are all equal. We are all the same.

Im not just saying this to black people , white people , asian , hispanic or whatever race you are just please think about other peoples emotion before you say stuff.

Thanks for listening , reading , laughing , crying , voting , commenting , following. It really means alot and if you see any errors please do comment so i could fix it. And once again please stay safe. Wash dem hands and lets hope this worldwide pandemic will be gone soon. And see you on the next oneshot💜💙💚💛🧡❤

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