My mind don't watch my mouth🖤❤

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Requested by MikasaAtobe. Sorry if it took a long time!

And if you guys want a request please message me because I sometimes lose your request.
Atsumu's pov

"Going to omi's class~ because we have a date~ Walking through the hallways-" atsumu's singing stopped as he saw sakusa kissing a girl...

Atsumu ran away going to the school garden. He went to the fountain and sat near the ducks. He cried once again.

"why omi... was I not good enough? I thought we were going great. am I the only one who is happy in this relationship ? does he not trust me? does he still feel disgusted by me?

My thoughts were disrupted by someone. When I look up I saw sho-kun.

" tsumu-chan ?" He looked at me with such a caring look. I stood up and hugged him. I cried on his shoulder since he was smaller. Hinata hugged back. I cried more "its okay tsumu-chan. Would you tell me what happened?" "S-sakusa- h-he cheated on m-me" "I see that this is serious... Do you wanna come home-" he was cut off by someone pulling me into their chest "why are you crying tsumu-" once I heard his voice I quickly shove him off "tsumu-" "you can go now sho-kun. I'll talk to him for a while" then sho-kun left.

"Omi-sakusa..." "What's wrong? Are you okay-" "lets cut the crap-" "what ?" "Let's break up..." "Wha- why?" "CAUSE I DON'T FEEL LIKE YOUR BOYFRIEND ANYMORE! You treat me like I'm a disgusting piece of shit and that you don't want to be with me anymore! You push me away and call me a germ. I don't want that! Sometimes you ask why did you even date me! I know you're joking but it still hurt. I put a smile on just for you... Yet why-WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS ?! We were supposed to go out today but no- I just had to see you kissing a girl!" "Tsumu it's not-" my eyes were blocked by tears, I brush my hand through my hair."YOU BARELY EVEN KISS ME! Now I see you with the new exchange student kissing ?! I'm hurt! Cant, you see that ?! I'm so done Sakusa!" I was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist.

"let go-" his grip tightened, "tsumu please" "I said let go-" he didn't let go "it hurts!" I screamed at him. He lets go "I hate you," I said as I rub my wrist.

I saw tears in his eyes. I hesitated before leaving him there. I saw him take a step but didn't go further. He just hung his head low. I went to the nearest onigiri Miya branch here. I said hi to the staff and went to the back of the restaurant. I asked one staff if my brother was there. To my surprise he was. I knocked on the door then I opened it.

"Why are you here rat-" he stopped as he saw me "what happened ?" He stood up from his seat "nothing... Can I work here in the meantime?" "Sure-but you have to tell me what happened first." I was hesitant but I told him. "That bastard! I'll let you work here but what if he comes here?" I didn't even think of that... "I can handle it-" "we both know you cant-" I sighed "I don't think he will come through. He didn't chase me here, he might have not really loved me..." I sighed "anyway I have to get to work" I got up and then samu asked me "are you okay though?" "Yeah" I smiled at him and got ready for a shift.

I gotta say working here is fun. The staff is very nice. Making onigiris took my mind off kiyoomi- I mean sakusa but- "tsumu I need to talk to you-"

I sighed "whats your order sir ?" "Tsumu we need to talk-" "sir this is a workplace if you are not gonna buy food you may kindly leave." "But i-" "sir! Please do not put my personal life in my work area so please kindly leave!" I semi-shouted. "Yui can you take over for a sec ?" She nodded. Then I dragged kiyoomi out of the restaurant.

"Tsumu let me make it up to you-" "sakusa- look. I want some time alone, please? You really treated me like shit and when I thought I could have you alone but-" I started crying..." I saw you kissing t-the new transferee and i- I just couldn't take it anymore!" I screamed at him "tsumu it's not like that!" "Then what is it ?! What am I supposed to think ?! We have been drifting away from each other these past few weeks and I saw you kissing a girl! Tell me Kiyoomi!" I was crying my eyes out "She kissed me I didn't kiss her!" "So what if that's the case ?! Did you miss the drifting away part ?! It was not just that!" We were both crying by that time. "Atsumu go back in... were still open" I looked back to see Osamu. I nodded and went in. Then kiyoomi held my wrist "let me make it up to you... please" "8 pm tonight..."

I then went inside.

Sakusa's pov

I hate myself. I should've treated him better. He deserves the world. Why... why am I like this?

I never learned how to express my emotions. My mind doesn't seem to match my mouth.

I love him I really do. He makes me happy. I feel so at home with him I took him for granted all because...

"My mind doesn't match my mouth"

I cried when I entered my apartment. I waited for Atsumu to come home. I heard the door open.

"Tsumu?" "Hey...sakusa" I felt tears go down my cheek. I heard him sigh. "Sakusa-" I cut him off by going to my knees.

"Please- please don't call me that. I love the nicknames you give me and i- am sorry I'm an idiot for taking you for granted. I really do love you and i- I can't imagine myself with someone else but you! I love you- I love you so much! Please don't leave me. Ill change! I'll be better! I'm so sorry that I'm rude. I'm sorry that it looks like I hate you but I really don't mean it! I hate myself for that-" I felt him cup my cheeks "omi...I love you too. I ruined our date night..." "No... No, it was my fault. I will make it up to you I promise! I will always go on dates with you. I'll take you out. I will be a better boyfriend- ill change" "omi you don't have to change. I love the way you are. Your germaphobia. Your snarky comments but please know when to stop and I know how your mind doesn't match your mouth but its okay... I love you"

uwu thank you for the people who joined my discord! I love each and every single one of you!

Sorry for late post MikasaAtobe

Please join discord!

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