i'll always stay by you ❤❤

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Sorry for not uploading since my birthday. I got sick , but im better now and i wanna make some stories for you guys hope you enjoy ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Atsumu's pov

"Omi- kun ?" I woke up without him by my side "yes?" I hear a small faint voice from the kitchen.

When i turned to the kitchen i saw him cooking breakfast. I hugged him from behind. "What are you cooking ?" I gently asked "oh uhm just omu rice. We got some vegtables from wakatoshi-kun. It was made from his farm. Ill just add them with the egg , is that okay ?" I hummed at his back as a response. "Go set up the table baby. The food is almost finished" i let go of his back to set up the table.

Omi-kun placed the food on the table so we could eat. I sliced it in half and see the egg fall . I took a bite of it and it tasted soooo good "UWAAAH omiii this is amaziiiiing its so good!" "Glad you like it. Anyway we have an interview later right ? For the media ?" "Uhm yea but mine is earlier than you." "Hmm are you gonna use your laptop or mine ?" "Imma use mine you can use yours later for your own interview" i replied "are we gonna use our bedroom ?" "Mhm" do you think they will ask about us omi ? Cause i mean we havent really announced it to anybody yet, but some people are sus about our relationship" "i know you dont want to tell people about us yet 'tsumu but we cant keep it forever " "guess your right omi"

We washed our dishes . We also rewatched a few episodes of The umbrella academy since the new seasom is gonna come and i got ready for the interview.

I was beside our bed facing the wall.

|lap      tsumu     (some shelf)       door
|b |—————
|e |                  |

(A/n was that okay ?)

There were some scattered clothes on the bed and blue dumbells on the floor . I used Omi-kun's dumbells because its quarantine and i couldnt work out in the gym that i went to. I was too lazy to clean up the mess so i just didnt bother to do it. I started the facetime and said hi to the interviewers and to the people who would view this.

"So atsumu-kun. How is your morning been today ?" "It was great , had food , watched shows . It was a great morning i enjoyed" "that sounds wondeful" "it is" i said while thinking about omi-kun . I smiled at the thought . After awhile i finished the questions. I was kinda glad that they didnt ask about the rumors about me and omi.

I walked out of our room to see sakusa playing with our cat. "So how did it go ? It was fine , just normal questions about me and our team." "Did you have fun ?" "Mhm, but its more fun being with you and sani" we decided to name it sani because he based it on the word sanitize. "Well, i gotta get ready. Please be quiet dear ?" "Yea yea i know." He kissed my cheek. "I love you" he said softly and placed his head on my neck "love you too omi" i pat his head. He got up and got ready for his interview.

Sakusa's pov

I cleaned myself up and grabbed a shirt from the side of the bed. It was clean i knew of that. I put the scattered blue dumbells on the shelf i also fixed th bed and sweeped the floor. I set my laptop on the table where atsumu put his laptop on.

The interview had started. "So sakusa-kun, how was your day. It was fine, very lovely i enjoyed a little cleaning." She chuckled through the screen "atsumu's place was a little messy we didnt expect it" i chuckled with her.

After all the questions i said goodbye to the interviewer and there were no questions were asked about me and 'tsumu.

After i went out i saw him sleeping with the cat. I took a picture ofcourse , well not just a picture.... lots of pictures. I picked up the cat first who was just laying on top of him and i put him on the side and i was carrying atsumu to our bedroom. "Omi ?" "Hm ?" "Nothing. I love you" he burried his head in my chest "i love you too". I layed him down the bed and went up beside him.

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