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"Is everything ready?" I asked Malin who nodded sadly. I took the black headscarf from beside me and wrapped it around my head. I took a deep breath before leaving my room and walking down the stairs to the harem where the rest of my daughters waited for me, even Shahrazad came over with her husband and children to witness the funeral of her younger sister.

I stood at the front of the line as they bought out a coffin, it was middle-sized, it would be too big for a child yet too small for a fully grown person. The sight of it broke my heart but I had to compose myself.

I looked behind me at the maids only to be shocked at the sight of Mehmed's past favorites and the mother of my granddaughter and Mehmed's murdered. I thought I gave strict orders for her to stay in her castle and to never leave it. I nodded for Emily to come closer and she immediately did.

"I told you she would rebel one day" I whispered to her. She nodded and glared at the woman standing behind her.

"I want her gone, my granddaughter is at an age where she doesn't need a mother" she bowed before walking away to prepare for the mission

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"I want her gone, my granddaughter is at an age where she doesn't need a mother" she bowed before walking away to prepare for the mission.

I walked back up the stairs feeling more mad than sad at the moment. I walked into my room banging the doors open pushing them with my anger. The maids at the door closed them with fear in their eyes as I walked up the step to reach my throne.

I sat down with a huff of anger feeling my blood boil at the thought of her anywhere near any one of my other children, she took one from me and I won't let her take another

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I sat down with a huff of anger feeling my blood boil at the thought of her anywhere near any one of my other children, she took one from me and I won't let her take another.

"Is there any new from Mahbikar?" I asked Klara who stood to the side silently watching me until I calmed down.

"She sent a letter" she stepped closer and pulled out a letter from her sleeve and handed it to me.

Dear sister

I've been keeping a close eye on Orhan as you had instructed, the people of Amasya are really happy with his leadership and you could say they respect him more than ever.

His healing proses is going better than we had expected and his highness was able to move his right leg yesterday without anyone's help and the doctors are thrilled with this progress and they say that in a couple of months he will be able to fully walk.

For his harem that I manage, I've sent him the girl you sent, I've changed her name to Rumeysa after she converted to Islam at his highnesses request. You were right sister, he's enchanted by her beauty and intelligence. They spend hours in the library reading books together and they don't seem to get bored at all.

For the men you've sent, I and Mehmed pasha spread them around the castle for extra protection and extra pair of eyes on the parts we can not stay in or go to.

His highness was truly saddened by the news of the death of Atike Sultan and he arranged for the Friday prayer to be also a funeral for her and for the people to pray for her soul to go to heaven. He ordered a hidad for three days as the customs and like his majesty ordered, if any store opens during those three days they would be taken to jail for at least three years.

Yours truly, your sister

I felt relief fill me at her words and I couldn't help but smile. I looked up at Klara and handed her the letter to read which made her smile too.

"Arrange for me to visit him soon" I ordered her. She bowed before leaving the room.

I sighed and looked out the window, this day was both good and bad, my precious Atike is gone now while my Orhan was finally recovering. Many doctors and physicians said that he had no chance of walking ever again yet he proved them wrong and with his determination, he's soon gonna start walking.

"Mother" I turned around to see Ibrahim standing in front of me watching me as I looked out the window with a smile on his face to mask his sadness for his sister.

"Come here" I opened my arms and let him run in them immediately. I knew how close they were and how much they loved each other, I wouldn't be shocked if Ibrahim loved her more than Gevehran who was his triplet along with Beyazid.

"She's an angel beside god now, she will welcome us when we go there too" I whispered pushing his hair out of his face and kissed the top of his head. My children were no longer children, Ibrahim and Beyazid will soon be sent to their regencies along with Kasim. I hated to be away from them so soon but Murad was doing what was right. Kasim will be leaving in the next month while Ibrahim and Beyazid will leave next year around spring.

"Osman and Mehmed will look after her along with your father" I could feel a tear trickle down my face as I spoke of my deceased children. I don't think I will be able to survive another death in my family. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes as tears left his own.

"Do they love her as much as us though, mother? They haven't been around her as we were, they didn't stay up with her when she was sick like you did. They didn't make her happy as I did. They didn't help her dress as Gevehran did. They didn't let her ride a horse like Murad did" I wiped my tear and pulled him closer again and let him rest his head on my chest as he cried.

I looked up as the doors opened to show Gevehran with tears streaming down her face breaking my heart as her beautiful eyes were puffy and red.

"Come here, darling" I open my arms letting her run in them and join me and Ibrahim.

"Everything will be alright soon my lovelies" I whispered kissing the top of their heads. I rocked them back and forth to calm them down just like when they were children and they would wake up from a nightmare or when they were mere babies in need of a warm hug and to feel their mother close by just before I was taken from them to be thrown in exile for four years.

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