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I opened my eyes tiredly to see that I was back in my room, the valide room. I looked beside me to see Murad asleep on a chair with his head lying by my side on the bed on his arms facing me. He looked like an angel who had no sins and never made a mistake in his life sleeping like this. I missed it when he was still a young boy crying because he forgot his toy somewhere.

I let my fingers wander into his soft brown hair just like his father's. He stirred before opening his eyes and saw me awake.

"Mother!" He explained jumping up and pulling me in for a tight hug.

"My lion" I patted his back as he shook in my arms crying. My son was an emotional person and that made me so special to me, he was willing to be vulnerable in front of me.

"I thought you were gonna leave me all alone in this world," he said pulling away. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand just like a child which made me smile.

"I would never leave you especially when you need me the most" he smiled down at me before getting up and calling for the doctor.

"Sultana you've been stressing yourself too much and that's why you fainted yesterday" the doctor explained.

"You need to rest more mother" Murad almost scolded. I smiled at him and nodded agreeing to rest for a couple of days.

After two days of rest, I finally left the bed and was allowed to walk around. There was a lot to do from Harem work to dynasty work and there were too many papers to sign and meetings to attend and money to manage which was exhausting being done all together but I managed.

By the second week, none of that was what mattered to me, it was my rebellious seventeen years old son Orhan. He was refusing to leave for his sanjak for some reason that he didn't want to tell me.

"Orhan, please just tell me what's the matter and I will do whatever you want just don't rebel against your brother" I almost begged holding my son's hand into mine tearing up. I feared for my children all of them from the wrath of Murad's temper, I even feared for him to hurt himself.

"Why? So your favorite son won't be a little sad" he asked sarcastically shrugging my hands off and standing up. I too jumped up in front of him.

"So he won't kill you. Don't you understand it's a sultan you're rebelling against not only your brother. And he is not my favorite, I love you all the same" as explained panicking. Murad was the temper of the family and Orhan was the rebel and the insecure one and I learned that the hard way when they were children.

"I won't let him choose what my life would be and I definitely won't let him send me to rot somewhere away from you and my siblings," he said storming off

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"I won't let him choose what my life would be and I definitely won't let him send me to rot somewhere away from you and my siblings," he said storming off. I looked at Malin who looked just as scared as me of him. I looked down trying to think of anything to stop him from doing something stupid to the point of getting him killed.

I stormed out of my room and straight to Murad's not bothering to put on a headscarf not caring if any man saw me without it and to my luck, no one was outside of his room

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I stormed out of my room and straight to Murad's not bothering to put on a headscarf not caring if any man saw me without it and to my luck, no one was outside of his room.

"Murad" I smiled a little as he took my hand and kissed the back of it. Murad was very careful around me these days and I need to take advantage of that.

"Murad I have to speak with you about something important and very serious" he nodded and pulled me to sit on his bed and sat down beside me. He watched me carefully for any signs of sickness which made my heart flutter happily that my son cared so much for me.

"Your brother Orhan is at a rebellious age right now" I explained slowly to not anger him. I could already see how tense he was when his brother's name came up, Orhan must've came here already and spoke with Murad before he came over to me.

"If you're here because he came over to you and told you that he wants to stay and you support that then I apologize, mother, I can not help you," he said clenching his fists tightly.

"Absolutely not Murad I will never support that. Your brother has to leave so no fighting for power occurs and you're mature enough to understand that, right?" I knew that speaking of his maturity will get him. He always wanted to show everyone that he was mature and a man especially after he became a father a couple of weeks back.

"What do you suggest I do?" He asked. We both knew that he wasn't asking for my advice but he was asking for an almost order, Murad as still very young and asks me about everything before it was done.

"Let him stay for a couple of months until I convince him to leave" he sighed deeply but nodded nonetheless.

"That's my boy" I patted his cheek which rose his spirit. He smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug.

"You're a good brother Murad, you just need to be patient with your brothers" I pulled away and looked at him seriously.

"They think that you're tossing them away because we don't love them and want to get rid of them. You have to show them that you love them" I told him. He looked out of the window for a second.

"How?" He asked. I shrugged and took his hands into mine.

"What do boys love the most?" I asked. He thought for a moment before answering.

"Sword fighting" he answered. I smiled and nodded at him.

"Exactly" I approved.

"Train with them, play with the younger ones show them how much you love them, and appreciate them" I explained. He seemed to finally get it. His siblings didn't hate him, they feared him because he hasn't shown them anything but his power, not his love.

A SULTANA'S LIFE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now