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I sighed happily as I stared off in the distance as we sat down on the floor for lunch, I was so nervous I couldn't put one spoon full in my mouth without fearing that I'll probably throw it back up.

"Allah Allah she's been chosen by the sultan once and she already stopped talking to us" Emily joked snapping me back to reality.

"I'm sorry girls I'm just really nervous," I said looking down at my fingers that were fiddling in my lap nervously.

"Ignore her Rose, she was just joking," Milan said patting my shoulder comfortingly.

"I'm sure it'll be fine" Karla said earning a glare from the other two girls. I giggled, even though what she said wasn't comforting at all it was still funny to see her horrified face when Emily whispered to her what actually is happening and that spending the night with the sultan wasn't just sleeping.

Hagi agha walked over stopping right in front of me and looking down at me from over his nose which I didn't take offense for anymore seeing as this is just his way with everyone except the sultanas.

"Handan sultan wants to see you" he said. I shot up from my place, I said a brief goodbye to the girls before following Hagi agha to the sultana's wing.

I walked in and bowed like we should when meeting someone of higher status.

"Good you're here, I wanted to talk to you before you go to my son," she said and patted on the couch beside her.

I walked over nervously and sat down hesitantly not used to being treated a little good by a higher up.

"Listen closely to me" she said sharply looking at me with a half glare as if she was reading me.

"If Safiye sultan ever asks for you, you have to be prepared. Never agree to what she wants of you and never ever tell her anything that I don't approve of. Understood?" She said fiercely. It sounded like she had great hatred towards this Safiye sultan who's apparently the sultan's grandmother.

"Understood sultana, I will be your loyal servant forever" I said trying to convince her I was no enemy because I know that she was on the right side and all Safiye sultan cared about was power while Handan only cared for her son. I may not have been here for long but I've already heard what Safiye sultan did before.

"Good, now go get prepared for my son" she said nodding towards the door.

I stood up and bowed to her before leaving the room but this time I wasn't followed by Hagi agha, I stopped walking after the doors closed and listened in a little, I don't want to intrude but I wanted to know what she thinks about me.

"What do you think Hagi?" Handan sultan's voice came through the door.

"I think she's sincere your highness, she's new and she's never met Safiye sultan yet, I recommend you to keep on warning her and try to pull her to your side especially if she becomes the sultan's chief favourite then she'll hold great power and she'll have the sultan's love and I'm sure he would like you two to get along and that way you also have the sultan's favour" Hagi answered.

This was so complicated I barely understood a word so I just went back to the Harem knowing that somehow she trusted me a little and started getting ready for the night with the help of Karla, Milan and Emily.

"Good luck" Emily said patting my shoulder, the other two girls nodded in encouragement before I left with Bulbul and Cennet.

I have to be careful around these two because it was known around the Harem that they were huge sultan's Safiye supporters.

We walked down the hallway that was known as the golden road, it was the hallway that takes you straight to the sultan's chamber.

The guards opened the doors for me, there he stood with his back to me wearing his black sleepwear. He turned around looking straight at me as I bowed to him.

I walked over to him stopping only inches away before kneeling down and taking his silk robes between my shaking finger and pulling it up to my lips and placed a small kiss on it before letting it go and placing my hand in my lap.

His delicate finger rubbed smoothly on the skin under my chin as he put a little pressure there a signal for me to stand up and so I did. I didn't dare look him in the eyes again scared to be captivated again but he put his finger under my chin again and forced me to look at him and captivated I was again.

"Are you a witch? Because you definitely put a spell on me to make me feel this way after only one glance" he murmured lowly to not break the calm atmosphere around us.

"I am no witch your highness" I blushed at his words and looked down again. He walked around me stopping when he was exactly behind me, he brushed his fingers on my bare neck as he pushed my hair to one said before he placed a small kiss at the back of my neck making me shudder at the feather-like feeling, his fingers reached for the buttons of my blood-red dress and undid them one after the other until the dress dropped down to my feet and I was completely bare right in front of him.

He turned me around and crashed his lips to mine stealing my first kiss, I can proudly say now that my first kiss was the sultan of the biggest empire in the world.

He picked me up bridal style making me feel goosebumps as his skin touched mine, he walked over to the bed and placed me gently on it like he was afraid he'll break me and climbed on top of me.

A SULTANA'S LIFE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora