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"Are you sure mother that we can't push the wedding any further?" Handan asked sadly. I sighed knowing how much pain she was in.

"I informed them that the wedding will be at the end of spring because of the weather and that was five months ago, now is time Handan honey" I placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked down sadly at her hands.

"Don't be sad my lovely. Maybe you will be able to love him someday like I loved your father" she nodded her head. She got up and bowed to me before leaving.

"Do not feel sad sultana she'll come around" Karla said trying to ease my mind. I nodded and got up.

"I'm gonna go see the man Sah sent from Ankara, he could be holding the news of the birth" I stated. She nodded and followed me with Surat who I let join my woman in waiting along with Mahbikar, so now I have five, Karla, Malin, Emily, Mahbikar, and Surat. But Karla was the head of the harem so she was usually busy.

I walked into the room where the man was supposed to be. I stood behind a wooden folding screen and he was on the other side.

"Tell me, messenger, what is the news?" I asked. He shuffled around a little bit.

"I have two messages to deliver, the first one is they Sah sultan has given birth to a son and they named him Abas" I smiled at the news. I looked at Surat who squealed a little.

"May Allah protect him

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"May Allah protect him. And what the other one?" I asked turning to face the screen.

"It's a little private sultana," he said. I raised an eyebrow in confusion but told the girls to leave the room nonetheless.

"The temple's knights send their regards" I gasped as the folding screen was pushed to the side and the same guy from a couple of months ago appeared in front of me.

He attacked me pushing me to the floor, I was on high alert already so it didn't take me long to process what was going on. I kicked him in the stomach making him gasp and stop his movement for a second, which I used to my advantage and pushed him off of me.

I ran to the door but couldn't make it as he pulled my dress making me fall back down and he climbed on top of me again. He was straddling me, he wrapped his hands around my neck and started squeezing.

I tried to pry his hands off by scratching and pinching but nothing worked and he only squeezed harder. I started getting light-headed but I didn't give up one bit. Suddenly the doors were broken open and the guy was pushed off of me.

"Mother are you okay?" I coughed and wheezed as I tried to get air back into my lungs. Orhan pulled me up and made me lean against him still on the floor. I looked up as I coughed to see Murad holding the man against the wall with his sword to his neck.

"If you think you can get information from me then you're wrong," the man said and pulled out a dagger.

"Murad!" I yelled fearing for his life. Murad took a step back and we all watched as the man slit his own throat and dropped down on the floor dead. This scene reminded me when Ahmed was tricked to believe that I killed that maid.

"Murad," I said weakly losing my consciousness. It was very hard to stay awake after losing so much oxygen.

"Hang one mother," Murad said kneeling down to pick me up. He walked over to the carriage I came in and laid me down on the seat. Karla got in and sat down placing my head on her thigh to cushion the place it was at. Surat too got in and on the opposite side.

I could feel the carriage being driven very fast that I feared it would break. The carriage suddenly stopped making us all jerk forward.

The doors were pulled opened and I was pulled out again and into Murad's arms who ran into the castle yelling for someone to get the doctors. He laid me down on my bed and sat down beside me.

"Orhan you too come here" my other son sat on my other side and both of them held either one of my hands. But soon they were asked to leave as doctors looked over me for injuries. There were a couple of bruises and scratches that they gave me creams to apply on before everyone left me to rest.

When I woke up again Handan was sitting beside me crying and Zahra was on my other side.

"Why are you crying, darling?" I asked reaching up to wipe her tears away. She sniffed but stopped crying.

"I was very scared, mother" she admitted. I pulled her down and hugged her body close to mine.

"Are you okay mother?" I looked at Fatma who asked. I loved how Ayse and Fatma still called me mother after so many years and after they've grown into such beautiful women. I knew that they were jealous of the triplets for marrying first despite them being younger but what can we do nobody has asked for them until now.

"I just got better my Fatma" I gave her a small smile which she returned.

"Where's Atike?" I asked when I couldn't find the three years old. I felt bad for the girl, she lost both of her parents in a matter of months and she as stuck with a stepmother, but I swear to god that I've loved her like my own and even more.

"Hewe mommy" Fatma moved aside to show the young girl walked closer on her small feet.

"Good, someone call your brothers I want you all around me today" Zahra nodded and got off the bed and walked out to inform a maid to call the boys over.

When I was so close to death the only thing I could think of was my kids, what will happen to my children if I had died? Will they cry? Will they morn? I knew that answers to those, yes. And I didn't want to cause them pain, not now. I was living and breathing only for them now and so it will be for god knows how long.

A SULTANA'S LIFE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora