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"What are you saying, Karla?" I asked worriedly getting up from my bed throwing the book I was reading carelessly on it.

"The sultan killed dervish agha this morning and Handan sultan locked herself in her room," she said again.

"I have to tell Ahmed," I said leaving the room in a hurry with Karla and Milan with me while Emily stayed with the twins.

"I need to see the sultan urgently," I said to the guard the second I reached Ahmed's room. He bowed before walking to ask for permission.

"Come in sultana," he said bowing

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"Come in sultana," he said bowing. I speed walked in not caring that I wasn't supposed to do that especially with me nearing my due date in a couple of months two or maybe three as the doctor said.

"What is it my Jawhara?" Ahmed asked walking over to me as I bowed placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Ahmed your mother locked herself in her room and won't open the door to anyone," I said worriedly.

"I know," he said sighing sadly as he pulled me to the couch so we can sit.

"Ahmed you have to do something, my love," I said taking his hand into mine and started playing a little with his fingers anxiously.

"Let's go," he said pulling me out of the room and to the harem and straight to his mother's room.

"Mom open the door!" He yelled banging on the door but to no use. He backed up a little before kicking the door down and running in to see his mother stumbling a little forward muttering his name before collapsing down.

"Mother!" Ahmed explained running over and taking her between his arms worriedly.

"What have you done mother!" He asked angrily as he cradled her in between his arms

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"What have you done mother!" He asked angrily as he cradled her in between his arms.

"I love you my Ahmed. My lion" she said taking in short and hurried breaths before her movement stopped completely.

"MOTHER!" Ahmed screamed shaking her trying to wake her up but to no use, she was no longer with us.

I felt my tears leave my eyes as Ahmed begged the doctors to do something but it was all for nothing because she's gone now and won't be back ever again.

I sat in the middle of the harem beside the sheikha who was reading from the Quran after the sultan have been buried beside the sultan.

Ahmed is official now an orphan, al of the girls here were either crying or trying to stop themselves from crying. Kosem was sitting in front of me also crying a little bit.

I got up making everyone stop and get up to bow to me. Everyone has been saying that Ahmed will now give the harem to me to rule but I don't believe so I think he will give it to Kosem as a way of apologizing for leaving her after only a short while.

I walked out of the harem and went to Ahmed's room, I found him standing at his balcony with his back to me, I walked over and back hugged him, he stiffed for a second before he placed his hand over mine that was resting on his chest

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I walked out of the harem and went to Ahmed's room, I found him standing at his balcony with his back to me, I walked over and back hugged him, he stiffed for a second before he placed his hand over mine that was resting on his chest.

"My Jawhara" he muttered turning to the side while I took a step to the side so we were face to face with the railing beside us.

"You're the only one who can help me through my grief my Jawhara," he said leaning his forehead on mine.

"I'm here to obey all of your orders my love" I whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"You're the only one here who truly loves me and not my power now, I don't have my mother anymore and you're the only woman who truly loves me" he muttered sadly before fully breaking down in between my arms.

"I hope that in there is a daughter this time just like you, kind, loving and beautiful. I want a daughter from you my Jawhara, I want her to be just like you in everything from the way you talk to the way you smile and the way you're so nice and kind and I even want her to look just like you my love" he said making me tear up too.

"Well then I will pray for a girl this time around my Ahmed and Insha Allah you'll get what you desire" I whispered as a tear left my eye.

"I love you" he muttered before smashing his lips to mine not giving me a second to reply to his words.

He pulled away before sitting on the sofa on the theras pulling me to sit beside him as he laid down and pulled me on his chest with my back to him so he could place his hands on my swollen stomach.

"It won't take long my love, it will take tops three months and our little one will be here," I said placing my hands over his as he rubbed smooth circles over my slightly aching belly from all of the weight I'm carrying, for some reason it feels heavier than the twins especially around this time and I'm very scared at this point.

"I can't wait to meet our daughter," Ahmed said kissing the back of my head.

"But you won't favour her over her sisters, you have to be fare between them," I said making him chuckle.

"You prove me right every second of the day. You are worthy" he said. I sat up and looked at him confused.

"Worthy of what?" I asked raising my eyebrow in confusion.

"You are worthy to rule the harem," he said making me lose the air in my lungs.

"You mean-" I couldn't continue from the lack of air I couldn't even get in my lungs.

"From this day forward you'll be the one to rule the harem," Ahmed said sealing his words with a kiss to my forehead.

After Ahmed went to sleep I went back to the theras unable to sleep. I placed my hands on the marble railing and leaning a bit on it, I got the power I didn't even ask for yet here I am the ruler of the harem as in the heart of the Othman Empire.

Ahmed will soon rule the world I will be by his side ruling the harem and we will be the most powerful couple this world has ever seen and we will rule the world together until Allah takes our souls back to him. I couldn't hold back the smirk that decorated my lips as I looked over Istanbul, the heart of the Othman empire, the most precious jewel of all, Ahmed's jewel that I knew he is ready to trade it for me but that doesn't mean it's less valuable than me.

A SULTANA'S LIFE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now