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"Rose come here quickly" my mother's voice reached me speaking in our native language English. It's been a while since I've heard that language, me and my family moved to a small island in Italy and have been living there since I was 7 years old, that was 9 years ago making me 16 this year.

I walked out to see my mother tugging my younger sister's hand as she marched over to me looking scared.

"What is it, mother?" I asked her picking up my other sister and placing her on my right hip.

"The barbarians are here, you know what to do Rose," she said and handed me my sister's hand. I nodded and ran inside to our secret place.

The secret place was in my parent's room just under the rug that covered the floor, I pulled up the rug to show a secret door I opened it hurriedly ushering my sister down before handing her my other sister when she reached the bottom. I walked down the stairs making sure to close the door as my mother ran in and pushed the rug back in place.

Not five minutes later I heard footsteps, they were very loud you could almost mistake them for thunder.

"Are you sure you don't have any maidens here?" A booming voice asked followed by my father's shaking voice. He must've arrived after we went under.

"Y-yes sir," my father said. My younger sister not over three squealed having heard his voice. I held my breath in fear, I really felt mad at my sister but she was a mere babe and didn't know that she just put all of us in danger.

I pushed my sisters further into the dark just as the door above me opened and a hand shot down grabbing my upper arm and pulled me up not even stopping for a second.

I was thrown on the floor in front of my parents and a guy who had a small beard who was looking down at me with a smirk.

"There you are, the most beautiful girl on the island as everyone said," he said and pulled me up to stand just for a second before he pulled me up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down!" I shrieked as I banged on his back. He completely ignored me and continued walking out of the house with my parents chasing after him only to be stopped by some of his men.

The man stopped walking for a second, he pulled out a sack and shook it making the things inside of it make a noise and it was definitely money, the man threw them on the floor just before my father who was so close to us being held back his men yet I still couldn't reach him.

"Her price," he said and continued walking forward towards the docks. On the way, I could see the people of the island standing in front of their houses watching and none of them did anything to help me escape this monster. The women were whispering to each other as they gave me a look of pity.

"Papa!!" I yelled trying to reach out to him but no use I was already taken and the last I saw of my father was him being held down by four men.

When we reached the dock the man walked on board the biggest ship there was. He didn't say a thing as he walked down the steps and threw me in a room so big it could fit a house in it.

"Don't cause a raucous" he said smirking one last time at me before leaving and locking the door behind him.

"LET ME OUT!" I yelled running over to the door and banging on it trying to get his attention but all I got back was silence.

After a good ten minutes of screaming, I stopped for a second to take a breath and at that moment the doors opened to show a girl not a lot older than me, she walked over with a tray of food in her hand.

"Eat up you'll need it," she said placing the food down on the floor.

"I don't want this poison" I spit out glaring at her.

"Be careful what you say or the next thing you know is that your tongue has been cut out of your mouth" she threatened back with a harsh glare before leaving and locking the door behind her.

"Arghhhh!" I yelled angrily as I kicked the food making it go flying everywhere, the plate made a clanking sound before everything went silent.

I could feel the ship already moving away from my home, I ran over to the circler window and looked through it see my home one last time. I could see my father standing at the edge looking defeated as he watched the ship sail away.

Tears started streaming down my face as the island got smaller and smaller and so far away. I turned away not being able to watch anymore before sliding down to the floor and hugging my knees to my chest in fear of what will happen now.

What will happen to me? Will I become a slave? Will I be sent to some castle to serve some stuck up person? Or will I be killed? What is the future holding for me could only be known by one, god.

I pulled out my necklace that was hidden under the collar of my dress, I held the end that was a cross and started praying for a miracle to save me from these savages for good even if it was my death.

God, please save me from these savages. I don't want to be a slave nor do I want to die. God, I put my life in your hands please save me.

A SULTANA'S LIFE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin