The Parting of Ways [2]

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On Floor 500, the Doctor was frantically ripping arm fulls of wires out of desks.

The others watched him, clearly not knowing exactly what he was trying to do.

"Dalek plan, big mistake. Because what have they left me with? Anyone? Anyone?" The Doctor asked, speaking quickly "Oh, come on, it's obvious. A great big transmitter, this station,"

Jack was staring at him, brow furrowed in concentration, trying to work out what he was on about.

"If I can change the signal, fold it back, sequence it, anyone?"

"You've gotta be kidding," Tiaalen muttered.

"Give the girl a medal!"

"A Delta Wave?"

"A Delta Wave!"

Rose looked over at Jack "What's a Delta Wave?"

"A wave of Van Cassadyne energy." Jack explained "It fries your brain. Stand in the way of a Delta Wave and your head gets barbequed,"

"And this place can transmit a massive wave. Wipe out the Daleks!" The Doctor proclaimed.

"Well, get started and do it then," Lynda said.

"Trouble is, wave this size, building this big, brain as clever as mine, should take about, oh, three days? How long till the Fleet arrive?"

"Twenty-two minutes,"

Tia ran her hand through her hair in frustration "I need to keep busy," she muttered as she headed over to a console and began working at the wiring.

Jack silently moved over, he knew better than to frustrate her further but he just needed to know. "So..."

Tiaalen knew what he wanted to talk about and sat up "We've now got a forcefield so they can't blast us out of the sky, but that doesn't stop the Daleks from physically invading," she glanced over at Jack giving him a look that said later. Tia wanted to have the conversation as much as he did, but it seemed fate had other plans to keep them from talking about it.

"Do they know about the Delta Wave?" Rose wondered.

"They'll have worked it out at the same time." Jack reasoned "So, they want to stop the Doctor. That means they've got to get to this level, five hundred. Now, I can concentrate the extrapolator around the top six levels, five hundred to four nine five. So they'll penetrate the station below that at level four nine four and fight their way up,"

"Who are they fighting?" Pavel asked.

"Us," Tiaalen spoke up.

"No, Tiaalen I need your help up here," The Doctor called out causing the Padawan to scowl in distaste.

"And what are we fighting with?" Pavel questioned.

"The guards had guns with plastic bullets. That's enough to blow a Dalek wide open," Jack explained.

"There's five of us," A woman pointed out.

"Rose, you can help Tiaalen and me. I need all these wires stripping bare,"

"Right, now there's four of us,"

"A simpleton can do that!" Tiaalen argued to the Doctor "You of all people know I'm better out there on a battlefield than in here playing science fair!"

"Tiaalen not now!" The Doctor exclaimed "Now do as I say and help Rose,"

"I'm not that little girl you found all those years ago, Doctor,"

"Tiaalen Lawbro, you do as I say right now. That's an order,"

Tia glared at the Doctor angrily and stomped off.

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