|| Chapter 48 ||

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Namjoon could only stare up to the sky in awe. What the hell was Jin doing up there?

“You- what are you doing? Get down from there!” The mayor yelled, as the crowd began to mutter anxiously. Jin gave a small, almost cocky smirk from the rooftop.

“I’m not coming down until you listen to what I have to say.”

His father, standing off to the side of the stage, was visibly irritated. “For gods sake son get down! We’ve talked about this.”

They hadn’t. His father had told him that if he ever did anything like this again he would be disowned. It wasn’t a conversation - it was a warning. Jin didn’t like disobeying his father, even if they had different views he was still family. But this was more important than that.

“It’s time for us to have our say. So pay attention.” He continued, addressing the people more than the politicians. “To you it might look like we’re the bad guys here. I mean, we did run off and break the law. But seriously, all of you have thought the same as us right? How is it fair that this poor boy was locked up for years because of something out of his control?”

“It was for the good of the city, you know that!” His dad interrupted.

“No, it wasn’t! That issue happened years ago, if you and the president had just talked it out this whole thing could’ve been avoided.”

“Do you think it’s that easy?” The mayor piped up again, voice booming. “One life or months of negotiation and possible danger for all of us, which one is better Seokjin?”

“It's not my place to decide - or yours.”

Namjoon watched as his father’s brow furrowed - he was pissed.

Jin addressed the crowd again. It was dizzying up on the roof, looking down to the crowds below. He was almost scared the wind would blow him off. But he stayed composed.

“You want to send my friends to jail. You want to punish them for dealing with an issue that you were too afraid to, something that should’ve been your job and your responsibility. You were meant to make the right decision for your people, and instead a bunch of kids are left to clean up the damage you’ve caused.”

“Tranquilise him.” The mayor ordered sharply.

Jin’s father frantically looked from his son to his boss. His loyalty was with the mayor, but his heart was with his son.

Although he didn’t hear the quiet order from his position, Jin could sense that something was off. He turned around briefly, before pulling Jungkook to his side, and taking another step forward so that everyone could see.

He positioned Jungkook in front of himself, around a metre from the edge.

“If I go down, so does he. You can go ahead and shoot me. Him too if you want. But both of us know how stupid that would be. Kill him and the new leaders of Elysium won’t hesitate to declare war.” He was referring to Hyunjin, who he could only hope had the city under his control now. “Kill me and all of these people will know the truth. That you’re too scared that one kid will threaten your authority.”

“Then what the hell do you want? Spit it out and stop wasting our time.” The anger in his voice was obvious.

“Fine. But don’t interrupt me until I’m finished. I want you to let my friends go, including Jungkook. Namjoon too.” The two briefly made eye contact. You don’t have to do this, Namjoon wanted to say. I do, Jin would’ve replied. “That’s it. Simple?”

“You broke the damn law kid, you know we can’t do that!”

The crowd were almost deadly silent as they watched the exchange. It was them who Jin hoped to win over.

“How can we let a man like this be in power? A man who locked up a freaking kid because he couldn’t be bothered to negotiate. We can’t be like this. I’m not saying you all have to do something as extreme as we did, but you can at least understand why we did it right?” He held Jungkook closer to his body, sensing that he was dizzied from looking down. “This kid did nothing wrong! You know that!”

The crowd began muttering again. Jin knew that they were in a fight between their obedience and their morals. He knew, because he had felt like that too.

Namjoon decided now would be a good time to show his support, so he stepped forward and clutched the lectern yet again. “He’s right everyone. I fought long and hard with myself because I didn’t want to give up my family for this. But it’s impossible not to. I can’t call myself the son of someone who doesn’t have basic morals.”

His father tried to snatch the mic from his hand - but Namjoon stepped away. “Listen to yourselves! Listen to what your heart is telling you, not anyone else.”

A few bold men and women from the crowd yelled out their agreement, following by a steady increase in volume until the whole crowd were in uproar. Namjoon was practically shaking from the adrenaline. They were doing it. It was working.

"Enough!" The mayor yelled. "Fire!"

The guard with the tranquilizer gun aimed upwards, and Jin barely had enough time to shield Jungkook before the bullet hit him with a sharp punch to the chest. He took a few steps backwards from the impact, and as the chemicals took effect, he sank to the ground. Jungkook quickly caught him under the arms.

Namjoon yelled his name out so loudly that it hurt his throat. Screams arose from the crowd, as people began to run at the mayor and his guards. Soon enough the entire square was full of flying fists.

Jimin emerged from the staircase leading up to the roof, and quickly turned to the nearby Yoongi, who hadn't been visible from the ground. "I can hear the guards coming. We need to do something, quickly."

Yoongi peeked over the edge. "It's chaos down there." His eyes then wandered to Jin, laying in the panicked Jungkook's lap. "Look after them. Us three will take care of it."


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The final battle has begun! And we will very soon see the outcome 👀 hope you're all staying safe and having a good day ❤️

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