chapter 2: Becoming part 2

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????: talking

AN: I know this is lazy but I am using the script to help me write some of the dialogue/

Time: When toby gets back from the dentist

y/n POV

So, currently, Jim is ranting on about how toby took so long in the dentist and I am simply waiting for him to calm down. I grab a can of (favourite soft drink) and sit on the sofa. 

Jim: Eight hours! I can't believe it takes eight hours.
Toby:  Two molars, plus insertions, and some cleanup.

Jim: Okay, Tobes. You are never going to believe this.

Toby: My mouth still feels sore.

Jim: Check this out.

Toby: Do you have any aspirin?

Jim: Tobes, pay attention

Toby: Mmm.

Jim:  [Takes out amulet] For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to-

Jim was interrupted by Toby microwaving a pizza

y/n: hey toby, pass me a slice

toby: sure thing.

Jim: guys! 

y/n: sorry Jim, continue 

Toby: Yeah,  Go on.

Jim: It worked last night.

Toby:[sceptical]   Are you punking me right now?

Jim: Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. here watch this 

y/n: you're gonna like this tobes 

The Amulet activates and Jim equips the troll hunter armour. I smiled at seeing my brother so happy. but was also intrigued and wondered if the amulet would work for me. toby starts freaking out as I laugh. 

Toby: Holy champignon!

Jim: Oh-ho-ho-ho! How cool is that?

Toby: What? Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! So cool, so cool, so cool! Dude, you know what this means, right? You have a sacred responsibility here.

Jim: That's what they said! [freaking out]

Toby: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my- You have to use these new powers for the benefit of all mankind. You have to use this to kick Steve's butt.

Jim: ... Really? I show you a glowing sword and a suit of armour that can only be magic, and that's how you respond?

Toby: Seriously! It's the butt-kicking time! *Attempts to do a karate kick*

y/n: tobes... this is a gift. but we can't just use it for our own needs. right, Jim? 

Jim: yeah, you're right bro

Toby: [sighs] I guess... Wait also, who's "they"?

Jim: Well, that's the part that I've been freaking out over!

y/n: Jim, who's they?

Jim tries to explain when suddenly, we hear a knocking noise and I see a six eye monster enter the house. I rush forward and strike him in his eyes. but then a large monster grabs my foot and throws me across the room. leaping to my feet I get ready to fight when Jim quickly runs in front of me and put himself between us. 

(BEING REWRITTEN) Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover)Where stories live. Discover now