Chapter 9: Win Lose or Draal part 1

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Waking up in a field, I winced in pain as I tried to sit up. Clutching my face, seeing blood all across my hands. 

 "ah, good, you're here." Morgana's voice spoke up. groaning, I tried to sit up only for Morgana to place a hand on my shoulder. which then made me realize, that I was resting my head on her lap. "oh, no, no, no, stay down." she ordered as she forced me back down. 

"ugh, It hurts." I groaned in agony. "well, you tried to take on a Changling without your armour." Morgana scolded as she raised her hand. Her hands started glowing before she began moving them over my wounds. a sense of relief was sent through me, making me sigh in relief. 

"Well, I wanted to keep my identity a secret. but it seems like it's too late now." I said, leaning back. "yeah, I wish we kept it a secret for a little longer. but it might work in our favour." Morgana" advice, continuing to ease the pain. 

"How so?" I asked. Morgana smiled, "everyone needs allies. and with the trollhunter, we'll likely meet new threats for you to grow stronger." she explained, grabbing my amulet with a look of interest. 

"Now, I think we need to talk about a more pressing topic. how could you use your powers without the armour?" Morgana asked, seriously. I, however, only shrugged. "I hoped you would have the answer."

Morgana looked annoyed at first before smiling. "well, it seems we got a new puzzle to solve."  I nodded, opening my hand for Morgana to give my amulet back. "well, at least we know my new power." 

nodding, Morgana smiled, "indeed, from what I can tell, you can absorb attacks done to you and send it back at roughly 10 times the strength. similar to how goblins take their revenge tenfold." 

this made my eyes widen in shock. This was such a powerful ability. "ah, but that doesn't mean you can be reckless and just take hits. You aren't invincible. you must still be careful while in combat." Morgana advised cautiously. 

"I need more power, I... I'm not strong enough yet. That fight proves I need to do more." I said desperately, looking to Morgana for advice. "then you need to travel, There are many places to go and things to get in order to grow stronger. Not only your physical strength but your magic... Perhaps with artefacts and knowledge. not only that, but you'll need allies." Morgana explained, creating a long list of stuff. 

"then that means I need to leave eventually, I wonder how I'm gonna tell mum and Jim," I wondered, uneasy with the concept of leaving. 

suddenly, I noticed my body was again turning into a golden mist. "well, times up. It looks like our training is gonna be postponed for a while." I said, looking at Morgana. she nodded with a smile and waved goodbye as I felt myself wake up. 


in the hospital: 

groaning, I forced my eyes open only to realize I could see out of my left eye. reaching up, I felt bandages on my face, I hissed in pain. Looking over my body, I realized my arms were wrapped tightly and my chest was covered in more bandages. Hearing a beeping, I turned to see a heart monitor and I was connected to a blood bag. 

Suddenly, the curtain opened, and Mom came walking in. "oh, kiddo, you're awake!" she gasped and rushed over. Mom started looking over me, lifting my arms and checking my face. "What were you thinking breaking into a museum?! what happened to you?!" she asked in a panic. 

Groaning, I slowly sat up as mom helped me into a sitting position. "Ugh, I saw someone breaking into the museum, went to investigate but got attacked." I partially lied, reaching up to feel my face. Mom looked at me in shock, "what?! But the police said you guys' broke in." 

(BEING REWRITTEN) Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover)Where stories live. Discover now