(new) Chapter 42: escape from the darklands

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an: side note, the transcripts for season 2 are incomplete, they are not great either. so, working on this chapter was a bit of a pain. I don't want to judge, but this was not a great transcript. it was just the captions written down. no describing what the characters did only what they said and no context. which made it difficult to fully write out scenes. 

which I kinda relied on to write accurately. so working on this meant looking back and forth and back and forth from the episode and back to my computer. then going back in case I missed anything. and all sorts of things. ah well, I'll be fine. just a little extra work.

also, I will be extending the time between episodes (occasionally) to help with pacing. cause, to be honest, the pacing in the actual series was VERY good. but near the end, it felt a bit, rushed. 

this means some arcs will be longer. including cannon ones, and ones made by me.

anyway. onto the story,


deep beneath the earth, 2 voices speak: 

"you know where the champion is?" 

"yes. and I can bring him to you," a female voice said seriously. 

"yes... our messiah needs him..."  a more whispered voice replied.

"and what for?" the second voice asked. 

"the champion and our goddess have the same goals. it is with him, she will bring a new age." the whispered voice said, in a devoted tone. 

"Well, your 'goddess' better have good payment for this trouble"

the whispered voice growled, "You better watch your tongue, our messiah would not see any issue with killing you and taking him ourselves." 

the second voice seemed to grow annoyed. "tch, you and I know she is no god. the champion killed one only a mere few days ago." 

the two voices quieten. as if in a stalemate before the second voice speaks again in a huffed tone. "no matter. do you, or do you not want him?"

"Very well, take this... if you throw it at him, he will be sent here."

"... wonderful now, for payment."

"... what do you want?"

"... resources."


y/n pov: trollmarket. 

I was now in trollmarket. it had been a few days since jim had gone through. I was currently resting up. Claire and Toby worked to pretend to be jim so Mum wouldn't notice. While I kept track of any activity. I had not adorned my armour in a few days, the broken state of it was concerning, the shoulder pads had been broken, my helmet was missing a section, and the hole in the torso was so open, that I could just be stabbed through it. The amber sealed them partially, but I didn't feel comfortable without the full set. so I intended to go and find somewhere to get it repaired. I thought of Atlas at first, perhaps Hector could fix it since he was there.

I shook my head, no, I already put them at risk before. I'll find somewhere else. I looked back to my scroll, I had gotten updates from Neon and Flynt. clover also texts occasionally, to inform me of the current state of things.

morgana insisted I rest, so I have been doing just that. I still felt tired from my battle with Baran, I was recovering but still... it pushed me to my limits... 

(BEING REWRITTEN) Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover)Where stories live. Discover now