Chapter 7: Waka Chaka! part 1

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waking up the next day, I groaned as I climbed out of bed. But then I missed a step and fell face-first to the floor. "ow" I groaned, stumbling to my feet. Rubbing my face, I walked to the bathroom and took a shower.

it wasn't till I saw myself in the mirror, I noticed something wrong. My eyes were a bright gold instead of their normal e/c. blinking a few times, they quickly changed back to normal. with a shake of my head, I assumed was just seeing things and got changed. Feeling a familiar presence, I looked behind me and saw Morgana floating around me. "morning,"

nodding to her, I pulled grabbed my amulet and slipped on the ring. "so, you got any training ideas tonight?" I asked, slipping my stuff into my pockets and slinging on my backpack. Morgana shook her head, "no, not tonight. I have some ideas but as of now, I think you should take a few days off." a little disappointed, I nodded and walked down the stairs.

Seeing Jim in the kitchen, I walked in. "hey bro, how are things?" I asked. climbing into a seat. Jim turned with an exhausted look. "not good, I got to be steve's 'understudy'." I shook my head, "damn, sorry bro."

Jim shrugged, "yeah, at least I still got the role," he went back to cooking, but I smirked a little and realized what was going on. leaning forward, I grinned. "or maybe it's because you want to be near... someone... let me think," I grinned and leaned closer, "someone by the name, of Clair Nuñez."

Jim stuttered and almost dropped his food, "what?! no, that's not it." he tried to defend himself, but I simply laughed. "c'mon bro, relax. I'm joking." the two of us laughed, before heading out to school.



I wandered the halls of the school with Morgana floating behind me. I often noticed her floating to inspect other things. After we finally established our, "deal", she seemed more relaxed. We got along a lot more than before. 

Suddenly, I slammed into someone. Knocking them over, I quickly rushed to help. "I'm so sorry," I quickly tried to apologise, but a hand raised in front of me. "Oh, it's alright, no harm done." a woman's voice said.

Looking up, I locked eyes with a green-eyed woman, who smiled at me.

"My name is Miss Nomura, I was looking for Mr Strickler, could you help me?" she asked

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"My name is Miss Nomura, I was looking for Mr Strickler, could you help me?" she asked. Nodding, I gestured for her to follow. "Good news for you, that's where I'm heading now," I said, walking to class.

Morgana suddenly spoke to me, "be careful, she is dangerous," she whispered, floating close to my ear. Looking back, I noticed nothing odd quite yet. But nodded subtly to Morgana.

Eventually, we reached the class, and I knocked. Mr strickler opened the door with a surprised look. "Ah, young Spartacus, you're early. Ah, and you met Ms Nomura." strickler said with a smile. Letting us into the class.

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu