(being rewritten, old) chapter 46: KanjigAAARRRGGHH!!! part 1

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(being rewritten, old)

(Now, This part will follow the different characters' POV. while part 2 will be us.)


(takes place before the episode, just to catch up with jim)

jim POV

I sat inside my cell in the darklands. i had no idea how long i was here. but... i still had hope. I smiled at the noogut nummie toby had sent. but then, I felt worried. i remember, during a time here, i felt like something was wrong. 

"Something wrong, little gynt?" nomura asked as she sat in her cell. i sighed, "Just thinking." i replied. "Hmm?" nomura asked, clearly interested. 

I sighed, leaning back. "I'm worried about my brother," "the golden one right?" Nomura asked and I nodded, "Yeah, you probably haven't heard, but he's gone to war with some people, the monarchs I think?" 

the moment I said this. nomura let out a choked gasp. coughing, "he what!?!" she rasped in shock. "Yeah," i sighed, looking down. "Your brother is either insane, stupid or stubborn. probably all of them," she said and i sadly laughed. "Well, guess he's all of them. but... he's been different. the monarchs killed a few friends of his and now... he's been on a warpath." I explained, looking at my own armour. 

nomura let out a breath, "do you... do you know, who your brother is? i mean, truly who he is?"  she asked. I thought back, to what the council and vendel told me. "champion of morgana? destined to end the world? I don't believe it. y/n has always been one to forge his own path," I said but nomura cut me off. "he may not have a choice." 

"What?" I asked. "Your brother, there are many out there, many who hoped to use him as a weapon. it's been mostly a rumor for centuries. the champion of morgana shall rise. leading forth the darkness, and sit by gunmar's side. there are many out there, in the human world. who hope to see such a future. and will do anything to make sure it happens." Nomura explained making me go into thought. "the monarchs are forces of magic itself. your brother can't stand against them." she said but I shook my head. I didn't believe that. otherwise, y/n wouldn't have survived this long. i chuckled to myself. 

"Hahaha," "What's so funny?" nomura asked while I chuckled, "y/n already killed one," I said. Nomura seemed to go silent. "nomura?" 

"Impossible... which one?" she asked softly. "Hmm, I think it was, Baran or something. he showed up when angor attacked. apparently, from what the others told me before I came here. y/n tackled him off the bridge in trollmarket. came up covered in cuts, but victorious." I explained. remembering the sight. y/n looked exhausted, it was clear he gave everything he had. But I smiled. My friends were coming. y/n was gonna go on a rampage once he got here. if anyone could break me out, y/n could.


Clair's pov (episode now starts)

It had been a few days now... we knew what we had to do. if it meant saving jim, this was a small price to pay.

I thought back to y/n, or, whatever that was that looked like him. What did they do to him? I wondered. Was that even him anymore? the way he moved, it was unnerving. more like a machine, even his voice, It was distorted yet it lacked any... emotion behind like. more a mimicry of emotions.

I looked down at my shadow staff.  Morgana hadn't spoken to me again since that day and I still had no idea how to help. maybe jim could reach through to y/n... but morgana said that might not work... I sighed, this was exhausting. 

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