Chapter 29: Airheads part 1

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An: alright, this chapter is gonna be short, so will some of the next ones till the episode where Jim pauses time cause these episodes were mostly at school. but I'm sure it will be fine. anyway, hope you enjoy it. 

I stood in the heroes' forge watching as Claire fought. I kept thinking to myself, what angor rot said? Morgana could feel my worry and eventually spoke, "y/n, you ok?" she asked as I was lost in thought. "I... morgana, how much do I mean to you?" I asked. Morgana froze before speaking, "y/n, you mean so much to me, you aren't just my champion, you are my friend. I've been alone for so long, you gave me a new chance, a chance to fix the wrongs I've done. You mean the world to me." she said before whispering, "and perhaps more than the world," she whispered quietly. My eyes widened but I remained quiet.

I eventually sighed and spoke, "and yet angor rot says you'll discard me when I'm not useful. that once I've fulfilled my end of our deal, you'll abandon me," I said quietly. Morgana sighed, shame filling her voice, "when I... enslaved Angor, I was a fool. I was vengeful, angry, I was desperate for a tool, a weapon to wield, that was my mistake," she stopped for a moment but then continued, "you... you aren't a tool, I advise you, I help you, but you made your own decisions, you aren't a slave, I don't control your actions," she said kindly. "You've suffered quite a lot, many people would use your powers for their own gain and greed, but fight for others, you carry burdens n your shoulders so others don't have to. You are a far better person than I am," she whispered to me.

I sighed, "thank you," I said quietly with my eyes closed. I then opened them before looking over to see Claire training with Drall. Claire was wielding her new staff, trying to get it to work. But nothing. "Hmm, my staff, such a powerful thing," she whispered with a faint hint of pride. I looked over before walking over. "Morgana, any advice?" I asked in my mind. "Hmmm, magic is powered by your emotions, tell her to focus her mind, pushing her power through the staff." morgana suggested.

I nodded, walking over to claire. "Hey claire, want some advice?" I asked as i walked over. Claire looked at me and nodded excitedly, "you got some? I'd love to learn." she said running over. "Alright, Magic is... difficult to say the least, but the main thing is emotions," i explained before raising my right arm and showing her my bone fingers.

I then turned to drall, "hey drall, hit me," I said making drall look confused. "I need some more power to show this," I said. Drall nodded and swung, not too hard but enough to send an impact. I was pushed back quite a bit, but my reinforced body was able to take it. Though I still felt the hit.

I shrugged and got up, "alright, now watch this," I said, raising my right arm up and focusing. My purple veins pulsed and glowed as energy flowed through my body. The green aura surrounded my arm before I stopped. "Now you try, focus your emotions and goals into the staff and then, release it," I explained. Claire smiled and began to focus, the staff began to turn dark but... nothing.

"Ugh! Why won't the shadow staff make a portal?" Claire asked, her tone showing clear signs that she was having a hard time. She began to shake it and swing it so i grabbed the staff. "Stop," I said but Claire looked at me. "You make it look so easy! How do you do this?" she asked in frustration as she pulled the staff away and she pointed to the end of the staff.

"Hehe, she reminds me of myself when I first got my staff," morgana said with a light chuckle. "Tell her to refine her emotions, her emotions are like a damn, she must control the flow," she advised. I nodded and stretched. I then grinned before stopping claire. "Here, try this. Take a deep breath, think of your emotions like a damn, and release it carefully," i explained.

(BEING REWRITTEN) Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover)Where stories live. Discover now