chapter 33: party monster part 2

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Marrow POV

I awoke to see the others all getting up. Looking around, I got up and tiptoed to the other room. seeing y/n passed out at his table. I turned to the others and put my fingers to my lips. they looked at me before nodding. I walked over to the others, "what now?" I asked and the others looked around. "well, we got about 2 weeks here. so I guess we just follow him around and hang out, get to know him, also, got to send in our reports." Clover said. pulling out some casual clothing. We all nodded and began to type away on our scrolls. once I was done,I went to wake up the kid. 

walking into the room, I looked over and saw him surrounded by books. I sighed, shaking him awake gently. "hey kid, wake up?" I said, making the kid groan and push himself up. "ugh," he groaned before getting up. "hey, what time is it?" he asked as he stretched. I looked at my scroll, "about 7:00 am." I said and I heard him sigh. 

"welp, better get to work," I heard y/n say as he cracked his back and neck. "so, what you guys gonna be doing?" he asked, looking over to me. "well, we're kinda stuck with you, so, guess we follow where you go," I said with a shrug. He sighed but nodded. "Well, I'm getting myself some food," he said as he grabbed a bag and walked out of the room. I watched him before following.


y/n pov

I walked into the main room, seeing the Ace ops all with casual clothes. "hey kid, where are you heading today?" Clover asked as he put on a jacket. "well, i got to go eat, so probably just gonna go to a shop, then, I don't know. kinda need to do some more reading up on how to stop Angor," I said as I stretched. I was still uncertain about the ace-ops, but no point in causing issues. The team nodded as they grabbed their stuff.

"... hey kid, if you want, we can give you a hand, we got some records that may help, if you want." clover offered, as he grabbed a backpack. I looked over, uncertainly. Clover saw this and raised a hand. "you don't have to if you don't want to, you don't trust us fully, which I get." he said kindly. 

I hummed a little, "morgana, you there?" i asked in my mind. "yeah," she said, feeling her presence fill my mind. "what do you think?" I asked, unsure. Morgana hummed, "maybe, trollmarket lacks much knowledge, maybe the MSC will have it. but... its up to you in the end. We've seen, yesterday, you can't beat the ace ops one on one. so their whole team would be a challenge. perhaps gaining their trust will be the best course of action," she advised. I nodded, but was still unsure. "y/n, it's up to you, it's not wrong to decline." morgana said kindly.

I thought over it but nodded, "alright, I'll come with you guys." I said but bounced on the balls of my feet. the team all nod and clover smiled. "that's good, we'll also be able to get a hot meal, you look like you could use it." he said kindly. I felt a small warm feeling and smiled. 

Marrow walks over and places a hand on my shoulder, leaning closer, "you also won't need to hide your markings in public," he whispered, looking at me with an empathic look. I smiled, Marrow was definitely the most understanding of the ace ops so far. i nodded at him before looking over to the team. who had all collected their stuff. 

I felt my phone vibrate, "hey bro, heading to troll market, what you up to?" jim texted me. I looked at the phone, frozen. "I'll be doing some research, I might be able to find something out here, while you read in troll market." i texted back. jim said nothing before sending a thumbs up. "good idea, we'll be able to cover more ground that way, good luck bro, stay safe out there." him replied and i grinned. sending a thumbs up, I looked up and nodded to the team. "ok, let's go."

(BEING REWRITTEN) Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover)Where stories live. Discover now