(being rewritten, old) Chapter 49: Hiss Hiss, Bang Bang Part 1

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(being rewritten, old)

I landed in a crash, landing in a remote part of the forest. I still tried to process what happened. Why did Jim attack me? Why did he leave me behind?

no, i shook my head. no, he wouldn't do that. He must have found out I was being controlled. that's why. it must be.

¥̵̨̦͖̖͔͊͆̄̾͋/̷͉̭̤͈͈́͒͂͂͠ñ̶͉̦̝̤̱̋͊̓̔͂ hadn't said anything. having let me have control as we waited. I focused, trying to focus on morgana. trying to contact her. when suddenly, "shadowheart? is that you?" 

her voice filled my head, making me sigh with relief, and quickly forget what had just happened. "Yeah, it's me, what happened? Why couldn't I contact you?" I asked. Morgana hummed, "It seems when, ¥̵̨̦͖̖͔͊͆̄̾͋/̷͉̭̤͈͈́͒͂͂͠ñ̶͉̦̝̤̱̋͊̓̔͂ was formed, it would have overwhelmed you to have more than one person in your mind." she explained. before she turned serious, "Shadowheart, I've been keeping track of the world, I... I know a way that we can stop any bloodshed." she said making me curious. "What?" I asked as morgana formed her ghostly form.

"the eternal night," she said. I looked in confusion before she spoke, "It was an idea I had many years ago, a way for magic kind to be free. no longer needing to hide away, a balance between the two worlds." she said. I nodded, "Right, but... what about the monarchs, what about gunmar? don't they hate humanity, what's stopping them from just destroying humanity, being kept unchecked?" I asked. this seemed to make morgana freeze before she spoke again. "gunmar is... difficult. he used to be a protector of trollkind, did you know that?" she asked.

I shook my head, "No, wait, didn't the history books state, he was born from darkness? the death of a heartstone?" I asked, morgana nodded. "Yes, but... no one is born evil. it was humans who pushed him to be the way he was. he let rage and pain cloud his judgement," she said while I listened intently.

"The monarchs hate humanity sure, but, they also know that the world needs balance, if magic is rampant, it will also cause chaos. We need to form balance, to change the world, together." she said but I quickly cut her off, "But, eternal night, that can't exactly be balance." I reasoned. this made morgana laugh, "No no, my shadow heart, balance, I was thinking of, an eclipse. the perfect mix between day and night." she said, pointing to the sun. 

I began to think... that... that could work. it would balance my duties as a champion and my regular life... "Nixie... what about the monarchs? How do I beat them? What if they still kill humanity? What about Atlas? I doubt the MSC will be happy." I said 

morgana hummed for a moment, "No, I don't they will... though, perhaps, in time, we can compromise," she said and I nodded, "... so, how will I bring this eternal night?" I asked softly, looking up at the blazing sun. 

I thought to myself. The world was changing. I... I still wanted vengeance against the monarchs, perhaps this would allow me to stall for time.... perhaps. 

"First, we need to get my body," morgana interrupted my thoughts. "Wait, body?" i asked. morgana froze, seemingly uncertain for a moment. "Yes, did... did you not know?" she asked me, while I shook my head. I thought she was just a spirit. that's why I wanted to find her a body. 

suddenly, a red portal opened up behind me. just as chains for flames wrapped around my arms, forcing me to kneel. Then, belroc walked out of the portal. "Good, your mission is complete, now, come, we still have much work to do." bellroc said.

" bellroc said

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