vote: title (also, teaser)

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sorry, no chapters yet but I am working on it. but I figured this book deserved a title after so long. but instead of simply making my own. I want yall to vote on one. or if you have a better ideas for a title, let me know. I kinda wanted my readers just more involved overall. also, figured this would be some fun. 

vote on what title you want

1. "A Dance of Sun and moon"

2. Requiem of the Sun

3. eclicpes embrace

4. "The Twilight's Paradox"

5. "Fires of Fate"

6. "Shadows of Destiny"

7. "The Ember's Choice"

8. "Sunrise in Eclipse"

9. "Dusk's Final Stand"

10. "Eclipse Unveiled"

11. "Realm of Light and Shadow"

12. other (you pick, make a title you want think will fit)

also, small teasers

"The sun and the moon, they may dance in opposing skies, but at their core, they are born from the same celestial fabric. An eclipse, a moment of unity, reveals the truth that night and day are not so different after all. We, too, are not so different. Just as the sun and the moon find harmony in their celestial embrace, so must we find harmony within ourselves and with one another.

Balance is not found in the clash of two forces locked in eternal combat, but rather in the intricate interweaving of all aspects of existence. Magic and non-magic, day and night, they must coexist and thrive in symbiotic unity. Just as an ecosystem thrives with multiple pieces working together as one, so must we strive to create a world where magic and non-magic intertwine, where every individual is respected and valued.

In embracing the eclipse, in bringing forth the dance of shadow and light, I seek to unlock the chains that bind us. Through the eclipse, the world shall find true freedom, a freedom that stems from balance. The world shall be free, not as separate entities warring against each other, but as a unified whole, where every individual is empowered to be their truest self.

Let us cast away the shackles of division and embrace the beauty of diversity. In the eclipse's shadow, let us find the light of unity. For it is in balance that we discover the true essence of freedom, where the sun and the moon, magic and non-magic, weave together to create a tapestry of harmony and peace."


????: JIM!

??: Come one, show me your strength or champion of merlin!

???: you don't have to do this! we can stand together!

????: is he getting bigger!?

???: he's far stronger than last time, 

???: no, I can get through to him.

??????:  it's too late, we must RUN!

???: please, we don't have to fight, remember? it's us against the world, right? please!


(translation,  "Bring forth the eclipse! War is upon us!")

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(translation,  "Bring forth the eclipse! War is upon us!")

Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ