AN: good news and bad news

376 20 15

Good news, three new chapters are done. (won't be released till the darklands arc is done, cause I want to release the arc as one GIANT update. that may take another month or two. so sorry for the wait. 

though, I do wonder if i could call this a trollhunter fic anymore. the expansion has been so big, that I honestly think it kinda slips out of just being a trollhunter fic. but, it's been fun, so I'm just gonna embrace it. (there won't be any new main characters added. but some side ones may join us). 

bad news: I realized how CONFUSING the lore of trollhunters is. I found something when rewatching trollhunters. 

merlin says something like "morgana, the eldritch queen, mother of monsters, babayaga, she's as ancient as I, maybe more so."

but... merlin is an old man. morgana was a middle ish aged woman during wizards. and she was a kid in the middle ages... but merlin's amulet is SO OLD, that it goes back to when humans lived in caves. which are... MILLIONS OF YEARS OF AGO. 

god dammit. honestly, WIZARDS IS DESTROYING ME. cause it contradicts so much set lore. Deya was NOT the first trollhunter. morgana is meant to be ancient alongside merlin. Also, GODDAMN TIMETRAVEL. everything they did in the past (the trollhunters and douxie) should have massively altered the future and basically erased them. 

also, cause I added the MSC and monarchs. it make gunmar seem so small. LUCKILY, I found a kinda good way to figure out a way for it to work. so that IS good news. 

I also want to let you know. going over things. I'm gonna extend the timeline. I felt the time between each series was too short. it just went from one to another immediately.  so, when the next series happen. I will likely do a timeskip (with y/n doing stuff during the timeskip). 

also, time between episodes will be longer. meaning y/n and the trollhunters will be doing stuff between the episodes so they better flow with all the stuff I added. 

note: sometimes I wonder if I should rewrite the whole book. adding bits to better foreshadow and support all the world building. I might do that once this book is done. just to improve the flow. but that's not confirmed. 


just a reminder of the current powers:

known powers:

goblin gem: you can absorb damage and send it back. it increases your physical strength and speed. you can also imbue it into your weapon.

vampire: you can use your own blood, and manipulate it into weapons

stalkling (given to jim): wings. don't last very long, but can allow for short bursts of flight

 don't last very long, but can allow for short bursts of flight

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