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"Please welcome 7 time Grammy award winner and a crowd favorite John Mayer!" Ellen says

I walk out on stage and I see Ellen dancing so my imitate response is to dance too and the crowd seems to get a kick out of it.

"Hi John."


"How are you?"

"I'm great! Life is great right now."

"Oh I'm sure it is, you and Katy had a baby these past few months, Marlo."

"Yeah we did she is great, cutest baby girl in the world if I do say so myself." I say

"Congratulations, how are you guys holding up being parents? "

"We are doing the best we can, it was rough in the beginning but after a few days something eventually clicks in your head and it gets easier."

"Well she is adorable and looks just like Katy."

"Oh yes, she looks just like Katy I look at her everyday and I just see Katy. It's really a beautiful thing."

"I'm sure it is, now last week you got into a bit of an argument with the paparazzi because one of them touched the baby?"

"Yes, you see Marlo is my world my everything and I guess my fatherly instinct just kicked him when I saw him touch her and I may not have responded the way I should have but I don't regret it."

"No one is blaming you at all in fact a lot of people are saying you responded anyway a father would when he feels their child is in potential danger."

"I was hoping I responded correctly." I say

"And Marlo is such a unique name! Where did you guys come with it?"

"Funny story actually, we had not picked out a name for her until after she was born so I was just thinking and that name sounded beautiful and I think it suits her quite nicely."

"It sure does, now are we going to see you and Katy at the Grammys on Sunday?"

"Oh yes! We are going to be there so look for us! "

"I defiantly will."

Ellen asks a few more questions and then the interview is over, I go to the dressing room and text Katy

Me: hey babe just finished the interview

K: How did it go? :)

Me: great, talked about the baby

K: oh good, she misses you she's been crying since you left!

Me: I'm on way home now, fear not super dad is on the way!

K: great!

I put my phone in my pocket and start walking to my truck I see a few fans and take some pictures and then I hop in my truck and head home to my family

When I arrive at the house I walk into the sound of Marlo crying at the top of her lungs and Katy trying to calm me down.

"John! Thank goodness you are home maybe you can calm her down."

Katy hands me the baby and I rock her in my arms which seems to calm her down a bit . Eventually I get her to stop crying

"You are magical." Katy says

"I have my ways."

I put Marlo down for her nap and see Katy standing the doorway

"Your such a good dad, Marlo is so lucky."

"I try I try."

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