Remember Me ? Part 2

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I wake up at a quarter past ten. I see John is still sleeping ... I look all around his apartment and try to remember but I can't. John wakes up and looks at me, I give a half smile and he gives the same smile I gave him.

"Coffee?" John asks

"Do you have tea?"

" as a matter of fact I do, I'll be right back."

John brings me my tea and he has coffee for himself we both sit in the bed not saying word just starting at the snow storm happening outside.



"What made you choose me over Russell last night?"

"Honestly I just felt something between us like strong chemistry I just knew that I was suppose to be here with you and not him."

John smiles to himself and continues to drink his coffee. I felt my heart beating faster as I looked at John. I smiled just knowing that I was in the same bed as him, I want to remember our relationship because I am sure it has been amazing up to the point of the accident yesterday .

"Well I guess were stuck in the apartment today , it's way to cold to even step foot outside." John says

"That's fine with me, maybe we can have a movie day in?" I suggest

"I'd like that."

John puts in the movie Step Brothers. We both laugh throughout the whole movie, I laughed so hard to the point where I had tears in my eyes.

"Your so beautiful when you laugh." John says

I smile at John and suddenly it hit me, everything. The Grammys, the kisses, the hugs, I remembered John . I huge smile appears on my face

"John! I remember ! " I shout

"Remember what!?" John asks excitedly

"Loving you! I remember the Grammys , the hugs, and all the kisses!"

Before John could say anything I pull him into a kiss. I pull away and we both start laughing. I fall into Johns arms and he holds me tight like he never wanted to let me go.

"Katy I love you so much."

"John Clayton Mayer I LOVE you more!"

John and I just stay silent laying with each other, I close my eyes and just smile.

"This has been the worst 24 hours of my life and I am glad it's over." John says kissing the top of my head


At that moment the snowstorm blows the power out and we both let out a groan . Luckily it was only three PM outside so it was still daylight sorta. Hopefully the power will come on so we don't have to sleep without heat. John and I cuddle together until the power turns back on. He was such an amazing person I really love him, I am so glad I remembered him because I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone other than him. He completed me.

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