Coming Home

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"Okay Ms.Perry you hold her head like this."

The nurse positions her head in my arms and I feed her her bottle. John is still sleeping and I don't blame him it's 6:45 and I want to be sleeping too but the nurses keep waking me up which is understandable because I'm a mother now.

"When will I be able to go home?"

"Today at around seven-ish maybe? I'll talk to your doctor about it." The nurse smiles at me.

She walks out of the room and kiss the top of Marlo's head and rock her to sleep.


At around 8:45 John wakes up and I give him a slight smile and hand him the baby while I try to get some shut eye but of course that only lasted an hour and then Shannon, Markus, Johnny, Tamra, Erika, Leah, and the rest of the crew comes strolling in with teddy bears and balloons.

"Where's the baby?" Markus asks

"With her daddy, John is giving her a bath right now."

"What did you guys name the angel?"

"Marlo Elizabeth Mayer" I say proudly

"Marlo oh my god that's adorable Katy!" Shannon practically screams

"Johns idea, not mine."

At that time John comes walking back in with the baby and they all surround him and take turns holding her and getting their pictures taken. After a while everyone leaves and yet again it's just John and I and Marlo.

"What time is it?" I ask


"Get the car seat ready and put Marlo in it please honey.?"

"Of course."

I grab all my things and switch into my comfortable clothes, I sign out of the hospital and they wheel me and my baby outside to our car, I get into the back seat with my baby while John gets into the drivers seat. Marlo is sleeping peacefully she was so precious.

When we arrive home we took the baby into our bed room and laid her on the bed. John lays on one side and I lay on the other. I kiss her head and then I kiss Johns lips.

This was the perfect moment.


Katy and I created this beautiful little girl that I get to call my daughter and I love her more than I love myself, Marlo and Katy are my life and that's the way it should be! I notice my phone buzzing and I see it's my mom she hasn't seen the baby yet since she's all the way in Connecticut and we are here in California, I walk out of the room and answer my phone


"John! How's Marlo ? What about Katy?"

"Hey ma. They both are doing really good."

"Good, I can't wait to meet Marlo!"

"Patience, she was just born yesterday I can't just put her on a plane and send her to Connecticut ."

"Well maybe I need to go to California!"

"If you want to ."

"Maybe in a few weeks, I'll have to see how my budget looks."

"Mom, you already know that I will pay for everything if you come down here."

"You know you don't have to John."

"I want to, you've been taking care of me for 37 years now it's my turn to take care of you. Just pick a date when you want to come out here and I'll pay for your plane ticket and hotel, okay?"

"Okay honey. I love you"

"I love you too."

I hang up the phone and head back into the room I see Katy and Marlo are passed out I smile and take a picture of them I send it to Ricky. I look at my lockscreen and it's a picture of Marlo it's the cutest picture ever and my lockscreen is probably going to be Marlo for the rest of my life even when I'm in my 60's and she's in her 30's. I lay down next to them but I don't fall asleep I just stare at the ceiling and think about how much my life is going to change and how it's even possible to love a human being as much as I love Marlo and Katy. It's hard to think about my life four years ago when I was doing those idiotic interviews and thinking I was better than everyone. Everyone hated me but Katy looked past all that and saw the good that was in me. I always tell her she saved me, and she tells me I saved her. So I guess in a way we both saved each other.

"John babe why don't you sleep for a little bit and I'll stay up and watch Marlo." Katy says opening her eyes.

"No no! You go back to sleep, we can both sleep I'll go put Marlo in the crib and she'll cry if she needs us." I state

"Oh okay, I guess that works."

I pick up Marlo and put her in her crib which is right next to our bed, I kiss her head lightly and get back into bed I see Katy has already passed out again, I close my eyes and fall asleep within minutes!

I have a dream that I am at a park with Katy and Marlo we are walking around and then suddenly I look and they are gone. I look through the crowd of people and I can't find them but then I see them with another man and he's pushing Marlo's stroller and holding Katy close to him. I scream Katy's name but she doesn't look back I fall to my knees and everyone disappears ..... I'm all alone.

I wake up to someone shaking me, I open my eyes and see Katy looking at me I sigh with relief that it was just a dream. I get up and go to the crib and I see Marlo is sleeping peacefully I see a bottle on the nightstand which means Katy must have fed her and i smile. I get back into the bed with Katy and hold her tight and kiss her lips.

"I love you so much "

"I love you too John."

"Please don't ever leave."

"I would never."

Katy lays her head on my chest and I look at the clock it's 9:45 I am still extremely tired and Marlo will be waking back up in about two hours so I might as well try to get as much sleep as I can, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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