Oh No

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"He was kissing her!" I sobbed

"Honey! If he has to cheat on you than he's not worth it! " Tamra says pulling into my driveway.

I get out of the car and walk in my house, I feel my throat getting sore and I walk to the fridge to get a water as I approach the fridge I see a note attached to it, it's from John.... The tears roll down my cheeks as I read every word , I put it on the counter and rush up to my bedroom the tears stream down my face and I began to sob suddenly my phone starts ringing.


"Hi! Ms.Hudson we are just confirming that you will be showing up for your Doctors appointment today at 1:20?"

"Oh yes of course."

I hang up the phone and look at the clock it's 1:00, I grab my keys and take off to the Doctors office not caring what I looked like. When I arrive they take me back immediately and give me blood tests. I feel so depressed that I don't even feel the needles when they poke me, I just want to crawl into a ball and die.

"Well Ms.Hudson your blood work looks fantastic !" The nurse says

"Are we done here?" I ask

"Not exactly... Looking at the blood work your hormones are off the charts and when we tested the blood it came back positive.."


"Your pregnant Ms.Hudson.."

"PREGNANT! I can't !"

"You can and you are."

This causes me to cry even harder than I was before I was pregnant with a cheaters baby and I am all alone I will have to raise my baby without a father, I storm out of the office and drive towards home when I get there I sob into my pillow. What am I suppose to do now? I don't know how to raise a baby, I thought I was ready but I'm not at least not to do it by myself. I've always imagined my kids growing up with a mom and a dad not just a mom. This is the worst thing that could have possibly happened to me, I want nothing to do with John but he's going to know that this is his baby and I can't just tell him he can't see his own child... Can I ? Will the baby take mine or Johns last name? Ugh this is so complicated .

I start to focus on the actual baby and that causes me to smile a little bit, I was going to be a mom! I was going to raise a child of my own. Maybe I can do this single parenting thing after all maybe I was just over reacting with this whole John thing.. Well one thing is for sure and that's that I will have to talk to John no matter how bad I didn't want to and just tell him that I am pregnant with his child, I will also tell him that he doesn't have to be part of the baby's life if he didn't want to. I hope that he will want to be part of the baby's life but it's his choice I'm not going to force him to do anything.


"Mom!" I yell as I enter the house

"No need to scream I'm right here."

"Oh hey! I came to visit you for a few days."

"Wonderful! Where's Katy?"

"Oh well uh ..." I say

"John, what did you do?"

"This ex girlfriend of mine kissed me at Starbucks and Katy saw..."

"God dammit! I finally like one of you girlfriends and this happens great."

"I'm working on fixing all of this. Just give me time."

I walk up to my old room and see everything's exactly the same way as I left it when left all those years ago to go to college. My star wars bed set was still there and my posters and tapes were where I left them. I smile to myself thinking of all the good times I had in this room. My smile quickly goes away when I start to think Katy and all the pain she must be going through right now. I promised her I wouldn't never do this to her but I am idiot and I agreed to meet Veronica , that has to be the stupidest thing I have ever done.

I walk back out and sit next to my mom on the couch she was watching Jeopardy .

"John honey "


"I can tell your hurting right now and my only advice is that you try to talk to her about it."

"I'm trying to think of a plan mom but I messed up so bad .."

"Get some rest honey it's late. We can talk over breakfast tomorrow."

I walk back to my room and get my pajamas I go to the bathroom to take a shower and when I get in the shower I let all my emotions out and began to cry. I'm an idiot.

"John honey are you okay?"

"Yes Mom..."

I wipe the tears from my eyes, I get out of the shower, brush my teeth , and get dressed. I go kiss my mom goodnight and walk to my room, I lay in the bed and it feels so empty.. I am use to Katy sleeping right next to me every night, I would be able to hug or kiss her whenever I wanted and that was the best feeling ever but now I can't do any of those things. I don't even know if I'll ever be able to kiss or hug her ever again and honestly that scares me to death to think of life without Katy. She completed me. I have never cried over a girl before so Katy really does mean a lot to me, she's been my world for a year now and I don't want to live in a world where I don't get to wake up to her beautiful face everyday. I want to spend the rest of my life with Katy, I want get married and have kids I just want to have a perfect life with her because that's what she deserves a perfect life. I have to get her back, I won't give up until I win her back.

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