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It's been a full year since John and I have started dating and it has been the best year of my life! I am really in love with him, he has showed me what love is again, he has taught me to trust men again and that's what I love about him he is always teaching me things no matter what it is. He is so smart and intelligent that's what I admire most about him. Sadly John has not been able to go back on Tour but hopefully soon he will be able to tour, he's been performing at small things but nothing big.

"Katy." John says from across the room

"Yes my love?"

"I want to take you somewhere special for our one year."

"Oh really?" I say

"Yes. I was thinking Japan... Since we both love it there."

"Japan? That sounds really fun! "

"Great, we leave tomorrow morning!"

John and I began to pack our things and we both throw clothes at each other. When we finally finish packing we get into bed.

"Thank you for taking me to Japan" I whisper to John

"Anything for you."

I smile at John and soon he falls asleep, I just watch him sleeping he was so handsome and peaceful. It was almost as if I fell in love in love with the most amazing man ever. My phone then begins to ring I look down and see it's Tamra I jump out of bed and go sit on the back patio.


"Katy! Hey, so I am calling to check up on you. Sorry it's late I'm barley getting a free moment now!"

"It's fine and I've been doing good, John and I are going to Japan tomorrow for our one year."

"One year already? Wow I remember when you were talking to him at the Grammys last year! Time flies!" She says

"Yes it does! I feel so lucky to be with him"

"That's great."

"Hey Tam... Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"Well I've been thinking and I love John so much. He is my world my everything and I want a baby.."

I hear silence on the other end and it makes me feel a bit uneasy

"Katy ... A baby is a huge responsibility.. It's a human being you have to take care of it and that baby is going to be with you until the day you die."

"I know Tam and that's what I've been thinking about and I feel like it's the right time."

"Just think a little more before you two go making babies! No baby making in Japan!" She says

"Alright ! And no promises!" I joke

I hang up the phone and go back inside. I walk into the room to see John sitting up

"I was going to look for you. I was worried."

"I was just on the phone talking to Tam on the patio." I say

"Well come back to bed we got a busy day tomorrow!"

I get into the bed with John and I kiss his cheek we lay together and I play with Johns messy hair, he laughs at me and I smile at him.

"Goodnight my love"


Neither of us stop looking at each other though. John runs his fingers through my hair and I giggle at him.

"Alright! Time for bed." I say laughing

"Do you really want to go to bed?" He winks at me.

I laugh at John and he brings me into a kiss, one thing leads to another and John and I end up doing adult things.

"I love you so much." John says hugging me

"I love you too."

"We should go to bed now." John says yawning

"Goodnight. For real this time!" I joke

" haha goodnight babe."

John falls asleep quickly and I stare at the ceiling, I just love John so much he is such an amazing boyfriend and I am so lucky to be able to call him mine. Secretly I hit the lottery with him, I don't see how any of his previous girlfriend let him go he is such a catch. I don't plan on letting him go. I don't want him to be the one that gets away.

I fall asleep next to John with a smile on my face.

Sorry this is a really short chapter guys! The chapters to come are going to be really interesting ! So stay tuned! Oh and if you can't tell I really can't write dirty scenes ! I just can't bring myself to write them so sorry!

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