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Today is the day John is leaving for his tour. I have been dreading this day since I found out a few weeks ago, we spent a few weeks in Montana and we barley flew back into L.A a few days ago and John is already leaving.

"Okay this is it." I say teary eyes

"I'll come back as soon as I can. "

"FaceTime me every night and I'll call you whenever I get the chance. "

"Sounds good babe, just think a few more months until our wedding." John says

"Yes. I love you John."

"I love you too"

John grabs Marlo and kisses her head 3 times and then he grabs my hand and pulls me into a deep passionate kiss. I smile at him and he kisses my hand. He gets out of the car and walks into the airport slowly getting farther away until I can no longer see him, I feel my heart sink to the pit of my stomach and I wipe my tears away and drive towards our house. Man am I going to miss that man.

Johns POV:
I get to my plane and take my seat and I notice I am surrounded by all business men reading the paper or a novel and I feel out of place, I grab my phone and look at my pictures I see photos of Marlo and Katy and I get extremely sad. I look over and see an old man sitting next to me looking at my phone.

"Is that your baby?" He asks

"Yeah that's my baby girl Marlo."

"She's very precious and I take it that's your wife?"

"Finance we are getting married in June."

"What's keeping you away?" He asks with a smile

It finally dawned on me that he doesn't know who I am or who Katy is.. That actually made me happy to know I can have a conversation with this guy and not have him freakout over the fact that I am John Mayer.

"Business." I say

"I know the feeling, how long?"

"Two months."

"Ouch! But you'll be with your family soon enough! " he says

"That's what I'm looking forward too."

"Any plans on having more kids?" He asks

"Well I want a boy so I can teach him boy things."

"Ah! I have three boys of my own and they are not as fun as they seem. Always getting into mischief "

"Becoming a father has really changed my prospective on life."

"Fatherhood does that, may I ask your name?" He asks

"John, and you are?"

"Bill, nice to meet you. Looks like we will be flying together for the next three hours."

He chuckles to himself and he pulls out his wallet and I see pictures

"This is my lady Katherine, been married for 56 years, love of my life." He smiles

"My finances name is Katheryn also, we call her Katy ." I say

"Well isn't that a catch 22."

"Really is but we've only been together for three years not nearly as long as you and your wife."

"You see John time has nothing to do with love, now are you in love with Katy." He asks

"Well of course she's the love of my life."

Bill just smiles at me and I nod to him, I know exactly what he is saying now. I knew I loved Katy the moment I first laid eyes on her. I fall in love with her more and more everyday.

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