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Katy's POV:

I board the plane and take my seat in first class, flying isn't my favorite thing in the whole world but if it means I'll get back to my family I will totally do it.
I grab a fashion magazine that has a few dresses that I really want to order myself and some shoes that I really absolutely love! I am really excited to surprise John but when I arrive in Los Angeles it will be 1:00 AM and by the time I get home it will be 1:45 am so John will more and likely be sleeping so it will be an even bigger surprise!

"Ladies and gentlemen we will be landing in Los Angeles in about 5 minutes so please stay seated and we hope you enjoyed your flight tonight."

I began to buckle my seatbelt and put all my things away into my purse, the plane lands and I rush to the luggage to get mine first once I get my luggage I find my car driver. It takes about 20 minutes to get home but once I do I feel myself getting excited, I open the door and leave the luggage in the living room I creep up the stairs and peek into the room I see John and Marlo passed out on the bed watching Pawn Stars, I go up to John and give him a big kiss on the lips to wake him up

"Huh wha- KATY!? " John says


"I thought you were suppose to be home tomorrow?"

"I missed you guys so much that I couldn't stand being without you for another second!"

"Baby we missed you too and I am
So happy you are home!"

John sits up and gives me a hug, I go to the bathroom to change into my pajamas and John makes room for me on the bed. I slide in bed right next to Marlo in the middle of John and I, he grabs my hands and kisses them I blush a little bit .

"Well maybe Marlo should go back in her crib tonight." John says

"Maybe ."

John picks her up carefully and takes her to her crib and comes back to the bed, he pulls me over to his side and I wrap my arms around him.

"So how did you like being alone with Marlo?" I ask

"It was good, it really was. I missed you a lot but overall it was fun and I love spending time with our daughter, how did you like not being with Marlo ?"

"It was absolutely horrible! I hated it. I missed you and Marlo but seeing my katycats was the best part of the trip I love them so much."

John and I cuddle together and he kisses my forehead. I just close my eyes and try to fall asleep but of course John starts snoring.

"I did not miss that." I say to myself

I roll over to my side of the bed and fall asleep but soon John pulls me back over to him

"Sir what are you doing?" I ask

"Cuddling with you. I did not get to hold you for two days! "

I giggle and rest my head on his chest. I feel johns hand rubbing my back which felt so good and i felt good. For the first time in my life I felt like everything was the way it's suppose to be, I have a wonderful fiancé, a beautiful daughter, everyone in my family is healthy, and my career is in the best place it has ever been. It's like living in a fairytale.

"Care to explain what happened with the paparazzi?" I ask

"They touched our baby! They are never suppose to touch her! People should only touch her if we say they can touch her. I got so angry Katy all I saw was red! I wanted to punch that guy straight in the face! "

"I don't blame you John, you did a great job protecting her. I love you."

"Thank you, I love you too."

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