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John and I both wake at around eight we decide we are going to spend the day together since he doesn't have a show until 8:00 tonight . We look through the tourist guid booklet and see they have a Skiing resort and John and I have never skied before so we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try something new out.

John and I go buy some skiing clothes and after that we take off to the resort, when we arrive we get dressed and rent us our equipment . We also rent a private instructor to help us. The instructors name was Preston and he was really nice, within twenty minutes John and I finally learned to keep our balance so that was good, skiing is a lot harder than I thought it was and just seeing how some people were so good at it amazes me .

"Alright are you guys ready to do this by yourselves?" Preston asks

"Sure I guess." I say

Preston then leaves and John and I go to the smallest hill we can find we do pretty good until I totally wipe out and fall on my ass, John rushes down and as he's going down he falls on his ass. We both laugh at each other and decide we had enough skiing for the day and go back to the car, we go back to the hotel and when we get there it's 3:00 John has 5 hours until he has to be on stage.

"Well we can take a nap for a few hours, and then go to your concert."

"Sounds good."

John and I lay on the bed and I close my eyes . John falls asleep almost instantly and is just snoring away .

John and I wake up at 5:00 , John gets in the shower and I get in after him. I decide I'm going to wear a black dress with flats and John is going to wear jeans, and white t-shirt.

"Alright let's go."

John and I arrive at Red Rocks at 7:30 , all the fans are already in there seats . John didn't get the chance to do a sound check today but he's been warming up his vocals all day so I think he'll do great, John goes on stage 15 minutes early and he starts out with Queen of California. I dance a little back stage and the crew members join me. Suddenly John asks the crowd to be quiet.

"As you all know I've been dating the amazing, beautiful, and talented Katy Perry and I just wanted to take a moment to say that I love her. She has been such an amazing person to me and has continued to love me even when I thought I was unlovable . I love you Katy."

My heart melts and I feel the tears in my eyes I cry tears of happiness , John looks over at me crying and smiles at me. When the concert is over all the fans swarm backstage and I can't find John he's somewhere in the mob of fans. I wait by the car and sure enough ten minutes later I see John running out from the venue .

"Ready to go love?" He asks

"Yes ."

"What did you think of the show tonight?"

"Amazing. I loved your dedication."

"I thought you would."

"Well you must be exhausted so we should go back to the hotel and rest. It is our last night together for the time being at least."

"Yeah your right, and I'm going to miss you so much after tonight I'll have to sleep on that stupid tour bus with all the guys."

I smile at John.

"And I'll be in our comfy bed." I laugh

"Don't rub it in! I miss our bed"

"I miss you in our bed!"

John and I both laugh, I kiss John on the cheek rest my head on his shoulder. I really didn't want to leave, I loved being with him but I have to go back to L.A and he has to stay touring unfortunately but we will see each other soon so no big deal.

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