Thank you

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"Thank you so much for taking me out." Katy says as she opens her front door.

"Oh no problem I had a great time." I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Maybe we can do this again sometime.... Or?"

"Yes of course we can! " I say more excitedly than I intended .

Katy smiles and opens her front door she steps in and I wave goodbye. Suddenly Katy grabs my hand and pulls me into a kiss . I kiss her soft lips and I smile beneath the kiss , suddenly Katy pulls away and smiles.

"Sorry..." Katy says embarrassed

"No, don't be. That was amazing."

Katy gives me a hug and shuts the door. I walk back to my car with a huge smile on my face still trying to process what happened. I drive out of her drive way and all I could think of while I was driving was that kiss. What did it mean? Was it a I want to date you kiss? A I just want to be friends kiss? I have never been so confused by a kiss in my life.

Katy's POV

I can't believe that I built up the courage to kiss him , it was amazing I felt something between us like sparks . I haven't felt a connection with anyone like that since the divorce ..... I never thought I would find love again I was at my lowest point I have ever been I wanted to just die I wanted the pain to stop and I felt like that was the only way out. Thankfully my sister Angela was there for me through it all she was my rock she made sure I was bathing, eating, and sleeping. Ang never left my side and I will never be able to thank her enough for what she did. My katycats were also a huge support system for me they were always tweeting sweet things to me and I knew deep down in my heart that I couldn't leave them here alone. Honestly I think John and I can create something special between us, I admit I was a bit scared to go out with John because I heard about his past but he showed me a totally different person tonight he showed me he was funny, caring, loving, and sweet .

I feel like I want to call John but what if he got freaked out that I kissed him on the first date and just told me it was amazing just to be nice. I have so many thoughts running through my head right now that I feel like it's going to explode . I don't even know how long I am suppose to wait until I get to call guy is it a day or two or even a week? If he doesn't call me do I call him? I flop onto my bed and lay put my face in the pillow I sigh loudly and close my eyes ... Suddenly I hear a car pull up in my drive way . I look out the window and I know exactly who it is so I run downstairs with a huge smile on my face.

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