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"Hello everyone! Thank you all for coming out on such short notice!"

The crowd screams in excitement and I smile, towards the front of the crowd I see John standing among all the fans, I give him a glare and he frowns at me.

"How about I sing Wide Awake? Y'all know that one?"

"Yes!" They all scream

John frowns even more at my song choice but still stays throughout the whole show. At the end I thank everyone yet again for coming out and wish them a great night, as I walk off the stage I sign a few autographs then head to my car when I get in I see John walking towards the car, he knocks on the window and I roll it down.

"Can I help you?"

"Can I talk you?"

"Why ? so you can tell me some bullshit lie that you pulled out of your ass?"

"Just give me a chance to explain myself Katy! Please!" John begs almost in tears

"John... I don't know if I can.."

"Yes you can.."

"Okay we can talk but not here... Let's go to my hotel."

John gets into my car and the driver drives us to the hotel, I check in and we both walk into the room.

"Well explain ..."

"Well as my letter stated she is a former girlfriend of mine and I agreed to meet her so she can move on, I had no idea she would kiss me and I will never talk to her again as long as I shall live. I promise."

"I have no clue had to respond to that."

"I don't expect you to forgive me."

"I don't expect myself to forgive you.. John it's not the best feeling to walk into a coffee shop and see the person you love kiss someone who isn't you."

"I can only imagine the hell I've put you through these past couple days."

"I've already been to hell and back with my divorce, so why not go a second time?"

"Katy I love you."

I stay silent and I can see John is on the verge of tears with me not responding back to him, I just can't say I love him right now... I do but I can't say it.

"Well your here I have something to tell you."


"Well I went to the doctor yesterday and they took some blood tests and they found out that....."

"found out what Katy?"

"I'm pregnant...."

It's johns turn to stay silent and my heart breaks at his silence, I had a little bit of hope that he would jump up and hug me and tell me how excited he was.

"Listen John, I don't expect you to be a father... That doesn't make you a bad person I understand. This baby is already going to be so loved he/she will have a Me, my mom, dad, Angela, and David , I don't want you to worry about it okay? "

I hold back my tears and it's taking all my strength, I can't believe I just said that. I can't believe I just let John off the hook from being the father.

"I can't do that Katy.. If that's my baby then I'm going to be a man and step up and take care of it. That baby is now going to be my pride and joy of my life."

"Thank you."

"Now... Where does this leave us?"

"We can be parents and be friends."


I can see the sadness in Johns eyes as I said that, I can tell that he wants our baby to have his/her parents together when they are born, I do too but I don't know if I can trust John completely to be in a relationship with him.

"Now we will have to figure out living situations , and visitation. I'm thinking the baby will live with me for the first month or two and you can come over whenever you like."

"Katy.... I can't .."

"And if you want to be in the delivery room your more than welcome to be."

"Katy! "


"I don't want visitation, or living situations!"

John looks at me and I can see anger and sadness as he says that.

"What are you saying?"

"I want to be with my baby every single day I want to be with you! I want to be able to wake up every morning and go into the nursery and see that little face staring at me, and I want to be able to go to sleep knowing the baby is under the same roof as me. I want you to be by my side."

"John I don't know if I can do that..."

"Please think about it...."

"I will, I'm going to be here a few days and I'll think about it, I'll let you know when I've made a decision."

John walks over to me and I hug him, he makes his way to the door with tears streaming down his face he waves at me and closes the door behind him. The tears start falling and I lay on my bed, I only want to be with John right now but I can't so I call the next best person who is here ... Johnny he always makes me feel better.

Johnny is at my hotel room in no time, he doesn't know about the baby yet and I am kinda scared to tell him because he was pretty upset with John when I told him what happened.

"Katy! Come here ." Johnny says hugging me

"Thank you for coming Johnny. I really need someone."

"You know I'm always here no matter what."

Johnny and I sit on the bed and he is holding my hand, I know he can tell that I am very upset about something but doesn't want to ask my to many personal questions.

"Is there something you would like to talk about?"

"Johnny before I tell you please don't kill me.."

"Oh lord Katheryn Hudson what have you gotten yourself into ?"

"I'm sorta pregnant."

"SORTA!? How can you be sorta pregnant ? "

"Okay I am a lot pregnant with Johns baby."

"Katheryn! I don't even know what to do with you. Have you at least told John?"

"Yeah I told him"

Johnny gives me a long talk about how my life is going to change and how I am going to be responsible for another human being. Blah blah blah and finally he leaves, I just want to go to the sleep this day has been long . Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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