Phone Call

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I arrive at home at around ten after recording all day. I get into my bed and turn on the tv. I suddenly remember that I was suppose to call Katy tonight . I hope she's not sleeping yet.

"Hello?" I say into the phone

"Hey!" Katy says

"What's up?"

"Getting ready for bed. I thought you had forgotten to call." Katy says

"I would never!" I say shocked into the phone

"Oh I'm sure." Katy says laughing

"You doubting me?" I say

"Yeah, I think I am!" Katy says giggling

"Oh Ms.Perry you are something else." I laugh

"Thank you Mr.Mayer I take that as a complement !" Katy says

Katy and I talk for two hours and then we both decide we should go to bed. We also decided that we are going to hang out tomorrow night and watch a movie over here at my house.

I wake up in the morning and decide to clean my house really good, my house wasn't dirty or anything I just wanted to make sure everything was perfect for Katy . She deserved the best and I am determined to give it to her. After her divorce I know she is very fragile and I didn't want to do anything to upset her, my goal was just to make her smile and laugh the whole night. If I could do that I would be happy knowing that I made Katy happy.

I grab my guitar from the corner and play a few cords I sing a scale to warm up my vocal cords and then I just sing whatever is on my mind.

"I have a crush! On a girl named Katy. She is beautiful, amazing, and this doesn't even rhyme ." I sing

My phone starts ringing and I see it's my mom.

"Hi mom."

"Hello John, how are you?" She says

"I'm okay, how are you?"

"I'm good. Now can you explain why every time I google you this Katy Perry girl and you pop up hugging each other outside a party?" My mom says

"Why on earth are you googling me mom? That's creepy!" I say laughing

"You still wear super hero shirts and you are 36 years old..... Yeah I'm the creepy one John."

"Hey I stopped wearing those last year and you know that." I say

"I'm kidding John! But who is this girl.. She's beautiful."

"Her name is Katy and we're just friends you know the paparazzi always like to extend the truth." I say

"Well do you like her?" I ask

"Well... I guess a little bit, you said yourself she's beautiful."

"If you like her John go after her."

"Mom...... It's not that easy. You don't understand I made a womanizing image here in L.A she knows about me she will never give me a chance." I say sadly

"John i don't know how many times Ive told you this but I'll tell you again, just be yourself honey and she will see who you really are and I promise she will love you because the John I know is handsome, funny, smart, talented, and a gentlemen."

I talk to my mom for a few more minutes and then go back cleaning my house . I look at the clock and began to countdown the hours until Katy gets here.

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