Be Happy

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The next morning I wake up and John is just staring at me, I laugh at him and playfully hit his shoulder. He laughs and kisses my forehead, he puts on his glasses and sits up in the bed.

"So when are we going to tell everyone the big news?" John asks

"I was thinking that we can just video chat them and tell them the news because we are all the way over here and I want to tell them now!"

"I'll do whatever you want"

I run to my bag and grab my laptop to Skype my parents , Angela, and David . Within a few rings they pick up and I see them all sitting around the their laptop.

"Hi guys! "

"Hey Katy! How are you?" My mother asks

"Great! How are you?"

"Great! And getting better."

"Now the reason I skyped you guys is because we have an announcement!"

"Oh okay... What is it?"

I look at John and he smiles and nods

"I'm pregnant!"

They all look at each other and stay quiet for a few seconds then I see a big smile appear on Angela's face and she gives me a thumbs up.

"Congratulations guys! We are so happy!" My mom says

"Thank you Mom. "

"John is going to be the coolest dad ever!" David says

"Thank you David" John says

We all chat for a few more minutes and then we all say goodbye and hang up, John wraps his arms around me and we both lay down in bed I kiss his lips and close my eyes.

"Let's stay like this all day!" I say

"We can do that. "

"So how should we tell the fans about the baby?"

"Twitter would be easiest, but you can do a radio interview.."

"Twitter is perfect! "

"But let's wait a few weeks, I just want us our family and friends to enjoy this for right now."


John and I lay together just staring at the ceiling not saying a word but just being in his presence is comforting. Just spending the day with his and doing nothing is rewarding to me.

"So what does you mom think about the baby?"

"She's pretty excited, I mean she's been bugging my brothers and I to have kids for years so she has her wish now. She'll be a wonderful grandma. "

"Yes she will! I'm glad she's excited."

"Your parents seem pretty happy too."

"Yeah ever since Stella was born they've been wanting another grandchild ."

"Well now they are getting one."

John lays his head on the pillow and I run my fingers through his hair, he seems really tired he probably hasn't had a good sleep in a long time.

"Go to sleep" I whisper in his ear

"I love you." He whispers in response

"I love you too."

John closes his eyes and drifts into a deep sleep I can tell by his snoring that he is sleeping good. He looks so cute sleeping, John has a grip around me even though he's sleeping, I kiss his cheek and I drift into my own sleep. It felt good being back in Johns arm.

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