Beach Day

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"Let's go in the water!" Katy says laughing

"Okay okay okay!"

Katy takes off her pullover and damn does she have a sexy body you wouldn't even know she had a kid to be honest.

"THE WATER IS SO COLD!" Katy screams when she put her foot in the water

"Well it's the ocean darling." I say laughing at her

I step into the ocean and I feels good to just be relaxing in the sun with the love of my life

Katy splashes me with water and I run away laughing

"Hey get back here!" Katy yells

"No you're crazy!"

"John!" Katy giggles

I run back over to her and I hug her with my wet body

"Your all wet get off of me!" Katy laughs

"But I looooooveeee you!"

Katy is laughing like crazy and then suddenly she stops and frowns at bit at me

"What's wrong babe?" I ask

"Look! Those are paparazzi's over there!"

I turn my attention towards where Katy was pointing and I see them. Those bastards can't even let us enjoy our honeymoon in peace? You have to be kidding me!

"you have to be fucking kidding me." I mutter

"We can just go back to the hut babe it's okay." Katy says

"No no no! This is our honeymoon and I will not let them ruin it! I'll be right back."

I grab my shoes and walk to the resort lobby, I walk in a see a woman standing at the desk

"Hello Mr. Mayer, how can I help you?" The lady says

"Hi, yes my wife and I were trying to enjoy a day at the beach and we noticed that there were some paparazzi taking picture of us. We really don't want any pictures of our honeymoon to be taken." I say

"Oh my god I am so sorry sir! I will get security out there right now. My apologizes."

"It's fine, thank you." I smile

I walk back out to Katy and she is sitting in a beach chair reading a magazine

"Problem solved."

"Oh good! John I'm sorry that happened I did-"

"Why are you apologizing baby? It's not your fault at all." I say grabbing her hand

Katy rests her head on my shoulder and we just sit there and hold each other in the sun.

"I bet Mar would be enjoying this right now!" Katy laughs

"She would love the water." I say smiling

"I was thinking that when we get back we should take her Disneyland!"

"Disneyland?" I repeat laughing

"Oh I know you don't do things like that but it will fun! Do it for your baby!" Katy says

"Gah okay okay we'll go!"

"Yay! Oh I can't wait!"

"We should invite Allison and Ricky too." I say

"Oh yes! Mar and Angelina will get to go together

"I wonder when they are getting married." I say

"I know! I can't wait for them to get married they are the cutest together "

Katy closes her eyes and I just stare at her beauty, I can't believe she is my wife, she's just as much in love with me than I am with her.

"We should go get massages." Katy says

"Okay, let's go."

We both stand up and head to the resort spa

"Yes, two massages please." I say as we approach the front desk

"Okay, come on back."

Katy and I go into the same room and lay on the massage beds they have, two workers come in and began giving us our massages oh man was this needed, I've been so stressed out with the new album and everything, it hurts a little bit but over all it feels great, I bet Katy is enjoying hers!

"How long do these massages last?" Katy asks one of the workers

"Two hours." She responds

Katy smiles a bit and I close my eyes, I am so relaxed right now, it's amazing.

"We should go to the acupuncture room after this " I say

"Oh that sounds great." Katy says

Katy and I continue getting our massages and once they are over we go to the acupuncture room.

"John this has been such a great day, thank you."

"Anything for you." I say


"Shall we go to dinner?" Katy asks

"Sure, where do you want to go?"

"Hmm lets go to the little café they have."

"Alright, let's go missy."

Katy and I enter the empty café and we sit in the back we order regular burgers

I stare at Katy in silence as she scrolls through her Instagram

"What?" She says giggling

"Nothing, I just really love you." I say smiling

"Oh well I love you too babe, I love you a lot."

Katy and I enjoy our little casual dinner which is a big deal to us because we don't really get to do casual things with our lifestyle.

Our food arrives and Katy and I enjoy the delicious burgers

"I'm so tired." Katy says yawning

"Okay well let me pay for the burgers and we can go." I say taking a last sip of my drink

I walk up and pay for our food and Katy and I head back up to our hut


"Let's call Ang and see how our baby is."

I grab my phone and Skype Ang and when the call connects I see Marlo

"Hi baby girl!" I say waving at the camera

"Da- da da - da -da " Marlo begins saying

"Why aren't you ever excited to see me?" I say pouting jokingly

"Because I'm way cooler than you." John says laughing

"Yeah yeah yeah!" I say

"How is she doing Angela?" John asks

"She's doing great! She is such a good baby!"

"Oh I'm so glad to hear that, only a couple more days until we are home though so don't worry." I say

"You guys should get some sleep, we will talk to you tomorrow." Ang says

"Okay, bye baby! Bye Ang!"

"Bye Mar!! Bye Angela!" John says laying down

I lay down next to John and we turn on the tv, I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me.

"Now I believe we have some unfinished business from this morning." John says raising his eyebrows

"Oh that's right we do." I smirk

John leans down and kisses me and well you can figure out what happens next.

Hey guys! I apologize for taking so long to update! BUT I just wanted to say thank you for supporting this story and I love you guys more than life itself and you guys make me want to work so hard on this story I just can't thank you all enough! :)

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