Hotel Nights

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"We've been so busy with Marlo lately I forgot to ask you how your liking being a dad." Katy asks

"I love it, I mean it was hard getting use to the new schedule but everything is working out nicely."

"That it is, that it is."

"How do you like being a mama?"

"Love it!!! She's so cute that I can't help but smile whenever she is near me or even when I think of her! She's my little buddy!"

I smile at Katy I'm glad she's enjoying being a mother and the cool thing is all three of us are October babies! My birthday is the 16th, Marlo's is the 20th, and Katy's is the 25th! Which means we all have a four day separations from our birthdays.

"Babe I have an idea." Katy says

"What is it?"

"Christmas is next month and I was thinking Christmas and New Years in New York! I've never had a Christmas with snow and I would like to experience it ."

"That sounds great! I love that idea! We will just need to get Marlo some Winter clothes, she has clothes for California weather!"

"Your absolutely right! I'll go shopping next week or so. Oh I'm so excited."

"We can do so many things around Christmas time in New York, I've spent a few Christmas there before ."

"With who?" Katy says raising her eyebrow

"Alone... I was so focused on work I treated Christmas as another work day." I say frowning

"Oh I'm so sorry baby. But you have us now and you'll never have to spend another Christmas alone."

"Yeah that's the good part. And we will get to watch the ball drop while we welcome the new year.... And share our time square kiss."

"Oh I would love that John! "

"And of course we have to buy gifts for our sweet baby girl." I say

"I don't even know what to buy her..."

"I say toys... I know she's only going to be two months by the time Christmas time comes around but she will need toys as the months come ."

"Yeah, your right . And of course I need to buy you my love a present." Katy says

"You don't have to Katy."

"Then you don't buy me one and... I'll still buy you one."

"No deal! Of course your getting a present, you'll probably get multiple."

Katy's POV:

This has been such an exciting month for John and I, we had our baby girl Marlo! She is such a cutie and I love her to death! Being a mom is hard work but at the end of the day it's all worth it. Johns mom was even sweet enough to give a night off but I miss our baby like crazy and I will probably never spend another night away from her again! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little but I still just want to to hug and kiss her and never let go. I know she is in good hands but I am her mother and I still worry! John and I are starting to make plans for Christmas and New Years, we are spending it in New York something I've always wanted to do but never had the time but now I do. I am now stressing over what to get John for Christmas, he deserves everything for being such a good boyfriend and dad to Marlo. I think I'm going to get him a gold Rolex watch ! He collects watches and it will fit into his collection perfectly, it's the perfect gift for John and I hope he will like it, now for Marlo I think shes going to get Toys and clothes even though she has plenty of both. I already know my parents and sister are going to be upset that I am not spending Christmas and the new year with them this year but I have my own family now and I have to start making decisions that benefit them all.

"Let's do something spontaneous !" I say

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well it's almost ten... Let's go walk the beach! The beach at night is so beautiful John!" I say

"If you insist my lady." John says smiling

I put on a white t-shirt with relaxing purple shorts and John puts on blue basketball shorts with a black t-shirt. Luckily the beach wasn't that far from our hotel so we walk. When we get to the beach we walk hand in hand along the water, it was beautiful the water was so calm and the night was so quiet that we could hear each bother breathe.

"I love you Katheryn." John says

"I love you too John."

I rest my head on Johns shoulder and we both sit down on the sand, it was on ten forty five and it was perfect. John and I are usually sleeping by now but tonight is different. Suddenly John starts humming a tune and I know exactly what he is going to start singing to me and I immediately start smiling.

"My eyes adore you, I never laid a hand on you , my eyes adore you."

I smile at John even more

"So close, so close, yet so far." John sings

John gives me his signature grin and I melt

"Tell me who sings that." John says

"The one and only Frankie Valli of course." I say


John and I walk the beach again and then go back to the hotel room at around midnight when we get inside the room I climb in the bed and John does the same.

"I hope you had a good night because come Sunday it's back to bottle making and diaper changing." I say

"I had a great night!"

I close my eyes and John wraps his arms around me and I rest my head on his bare chest.

"I love you ." I say

"I love you more."

We both fell asleep together and it was perfect.

*Next Morning*

John and I wake up at around eleven which was so weird because we are usually both up by six now a days.

"Did we really get a good nights sleep ?" John asks

"I think we did!

"We have a full day ahead of us, what should we do?" John ask

"Hmm well we can start my going to breakfast and then we can .... Oh I know there's a Stevie Nicks concert tonight and I would love to go!"

"Then we will go! Buy the tickets !"


I get on my phone and I order front row tickets that we will pick up when we arrive at the concert.

"Room service!" I say looking at John

He nods in approval and we order Eggs, pancakes, toast, and coffee. It take about 15 minutes for the food to get to our room but it was worth it because it was amazing! I don't really get to eat breakfast or lunch anymore I am mostly focused on Marlo and making sure she is well taken care of.

"Hey babe maybe you should call your mom and see how everything is going?" I ask

"I was just about to do that."

John goes into the hallway to make the phone call and I grab my phone I check my texts and it's mostly Tamra asking when I want to start working again. I love my job and my fans and I don't want to disappoint them, they are my pride and joy, I also like being a girlfriend and a mommy. John and Marlo are my world and I want to spend as much time as possible with them. I turn my phone off and throw it in my purse and wait for John to return. Today is going to be the best .

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