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Johns POV :

I wake up the next morning to a few hundred tweets from Katycats and even some of my fans saying "Jaty." Or "I've been waiting for this to happen forever!" . I smile , apparently the fans decided that our name will be Jaty I kinda liked it! I never had a couple name with any of my past girlfriends before probably because none of them were as famous as Katy but none of that even mattered . Katy could be some random girl and I'd still be in love with her because she had an amazing personality.

"Jaty huh?" Katy says looking at her phone

"Yeah I guess now everyone officially knows about us.."

"Yeah but that's fine because I have the best boyfriend ever and now everyone knows your mine."

"And everyone knows yup are mine."

Katy just smiles and stares into my eyes her stare was just captivating I could just look at her beauty forever.

"I'm going to be starting tour in a few weeks..." I say nervously

"Oh. Well I'm sure we can make this work ."

"Yeah . You can come to a few shows and I'll try to come home and see you as often as possible."

"Yeah . So when's the start date and where?

"A week from today and Colorado ."

"Red rocks?"

"Yes ma'am . Aw man I love playing there the crowd is just so wonderful and the venue is amazing."

"I've seen the Venue never performed there but I'm sure it's amazing to be on that stage."

I sit up in the bed and put on my brown glasses Katy just smiles at me and I can feel my cheeks getting a bit red.

"I love the way you look in those glasses."

"These glasses? I've had them forever!"

"They just suit your face well ... You look really good in them."

"Well thank you babe."

I grab the news paper and do the crossword on the back, I get pretty much every answer and the stories in today's paper were pretty interesting.

"Geez is this snow EVER going to lighten up?" Katy asks

"You've never been in a snowstorm before I forgot. So I'll explain it , it usually lasts a few days until then all flights are cancelled coming in or going out of New York. The only way to get somewhere is to walk and nobody really wants to go out into the blistering cold during a snowstorm."

Katy sighs and looks out the window. She was so use to sunny skies all day everyday in California, going to the beach, and even just going for a hike. But I think this snowstorm is bringing Katy and I closer than ever. We got a chance to talk since she's for her memory back and a lot of Kissing since there's nothing else to do.

"Let's tweet a few fans!" Katy suggests

"Sounds great!"

I tweet a lot of my fans talking about my new music and I tweet a few people talking about Katy and I .

"John! They love us together!" Katy says

"I know. The fans are just so supportive."

"I know that's why I gotta love them!"

Katy and I go through a few more tweets from fans and then we go to the kitchen for breakfast

"Let's see how does oatmeal sound" I ask



I make us some oatmeal and pour us glasses of milk. Katy smiles at me as I set the bowl in front of her, we enjoy our breakfast together and go to get ready for the day, I only have a week left with her before I go on tour and I want this week to be just about us

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