🧡 New Friend Part 2

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Hey everyone! So here's part two of New Friend! Hope you all like it! Tomorrow, I'm gonna ask you guys something that may or may not affect this story's plot, so be on the look out for my update! ❤

Me and Merlyn have been friends for a few months now, and we're basically attached at the hip. We're totally inseparable, and when we aren't hanging out together, we're texting or Facetiming every day. I'm packing a backpack with a few clothes and whatever else I need so I can spend a couple days at Merlyn's house for a sleepover. As I'm packing, I hear a knock on my door. "Yeah?" The door opens and Sally walks in, closing the door behind her. "Hey babygirl, you got everything packed?" "Just about..." She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me as tight as she can. "Sal... not that I don't love you hugging me, but you're squeezing my guts out..." she quickly let's go and chuckles softly. "Sorry babe, I'm just gonna miss you so much." "Sal, I'm only gonna be gone for like, three days." She chuckles and kisses my forehead and holds me less tight.

"That doesn't mean I can't miss you while you're gone!" She tickles my sides, making me jolt and fall to the floor. "Sally! Stop! I'm gonna pee!" She laughs and helps me up and kisses the top of my head. "I love you, babygirl..." I chuckle softly and wrap my arms around her waist. "I love you too, Sal." An hour later, Billie was dropping me off in front of Merlyn's house. "Have a good time, sweetheart. And make sure to message one of us before bed, okay?" "I promise I will, Billie. Love you." I kiss her bye and open the car door. "I love you too, angel." I get out and before I get to the door, Merlyn comes running out and almost tackles me to the floor, hugging me. "Rhi! I'm so happy you're here!" She lifts me up and spins us around as she hugs me as tight as she can, making me giggle. "I'm happy too, Merly. Now put me down, you nutball!" She giggles and sets me down, then wraps her arms around my neck.

"I missed you..." I hug her waist tight and say, "I missed you too..." she takes my hand and walks us into the house. "Caleb, Rhi's here!" We hear thumping coming down the stairs and Caleb comes running up and hugs me. "Hi Rhi!" I grin and hug him back. "Hey, Caleb. How are you?" He looks up at me and grins real big. "I'm great." She leads me to her room, but before we get there, we hear a voice from the living room. "Merlyn!" She sighs and replies, "Yes, daddy?" "Get in here now!" She flinches slightly from his voice, and she tells me to go wait in her room. "I'll be right back, okay?" I nod and walk into her room. She walks into the living room and sees her dad sitting in his chair. "Who'd you bring over?" "Just a friend, daddy..." he opens the can of beer sitting next to him and takes a big swig of it. "A boy?" "No, a girl. She's really sweet, daddy."

He looks over at her with this look that makes her shiver with fear. "You're not doing anything with this girl, are you?" Merlyn's eyes grow wide and can feel her blood start to boil. "No, daddy! She's my friend, that's it!" She runs off into her room and slams the door, making me jolt. "Is everything okay?" She looks at me and nods, throwing me a fake smile. "Y-yeah. Everything's fine, Rhi. So what do you wanna do?" She sits next to me and looks at me, waiting for my answer. I scoot closer to her and wrap my arm around her shoulders. "Can I give you a hug first?" She sadly grins at me and hugs me tight, burying her face in the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry..." I pull away enough to look at her and I tilt her head up so we're eye to eye. "Why are you apologizing?" "Cause you probably heard everything my daddy said..." she grips onto me tighter, and I can feel my shoulder starting to feel damp.

"Yeah... I did. But I don't care. It's okay..." I run my hand up and down her back and softly shush her to calm her down. After a while of hugging her, she pulls away and wipes the tears off her cheeks. "Thank you... you're such a good friend." She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up and walking to the door. "Do you want anything? A snack or something to drink?" I shake my head and grin softly at her. "No thanks. Thank you though." She leaves and then soon comes back with some popcorn. "I thought maybe we could watch a movie. That okay?" I get a big smile on my face and nod my head rather quickly. "I'm totally fine with that!" She giggles at how excited I get and she sits next to me. "So what would you like to watch? It can be your choice." I think for a few moments before asking, "Did you ever see a movie called Ice Age?" She gets a puzzled look on her face before shaking her head.

"No, it doesn't sound familiar." I grab my backpack and pull my copy of Ice Age out. "Luckily, I brought my copy of it in case you hadn't seen it. You're gonna absolutely love it, Merly." I pop the movie in and sit back down next to her. As we watch the movie, we finish the popcorn and start eating some cereal she had from the kitchen. Then Caleb came in and asked if he could watch too, and we both said yes. He sat on the floor while me and Merlyn sat against her headboard. Finally, the movie ended and Caleb left me and Merlyn alone, and we were laying down on the bed, just looking at the ceiling. "Hey, Rhi?" I turn my head to look at her and see her looking back at me. "Yeah?" "Can I ask you a question?" I nod my head and sit up on my elbows. "Sure, what?" "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" I shake my head and sit all the way up. "No. I've never even been kissed..."

I chuckle, fiddling with my fingers. Merlyn's eyes slightly widen and sits up too. "You haven't?" I shake my head, chuckling softly. "Nope, never." "Wow, I never would've guessed. I've never been kissed either. Or had a boyfriend." I turn my head and see her looking at me, grinning softly. "What?" She shakes her head and looks down at her hands. "Nothing..." "No, tell me! C'mon, tell me." She looks up at me and says, "Well... I was thinking that since we haven't been kissed yet..." I nod my head and grab her wrist, shaking it slightly. "Yeah...?" She chuckles and continues. "Well, I was thinking... what if we killed two birds with one stone and... be each other's first kiss?" My eyes widen and I can feel my cheeks getting warm. "Wh-what? Seriously?" She nods and grabs my hand. "Yeah. I mean, it doesn't have to mean anything, but I just thought maybe it'd be a good idea. But we don't have to do it if you don't want to, or if you're uncomfortable with it..."

She let's go of my hand and lays back down on the bed. "N-no, we can do it. I'm not uncomfortable with it or anything. I was just surprised by you suggesting that." She sits back up and takes my hand again. "Are you sure? I mean, we really don't have to do it." "I'm sure. It's okay, really." She grins softly and sits in front of me so we're facing each other. "Okay, so just close your eyes, I guess..." I can't help but giggle, making her giggle too. "What are you laughing at?" "I guess I'm just nervous." We both giggle and she shoves me so I fall back. "Quit giggling, you dork!" I laugh and stop myself. "Okay, I'm good now." She shakes her head and lifts me back up. "Ready?" I nod and take a breath before closing my eyes. I feel her cup my face and pull me to her, then I feel her kiss me. After a few seconds, she pulls away. "How was that?" I open my eyes and can't help but let out a snicker.

She scoffs and shoves me down. "Man, you are rude!" She laughs and lays down next to me. "I wasn't laughing at you! I was laughing cause I never would've thought that my first kiss would be with a girl!" We both laugh and she takes my hand. "You're so weird." "Yeah, but you're the one who wanted to be my friend." She snickers and replies, "Touche..." we both laugh and watch TV before falling asleep.

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