🖤💖💜💙 The Beginning

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Ok, so this one is basically the origin story of how I came to be with the girls. I am about a month old in this story. Hope you all enjoy it. And I will be making more parts to it, with me at different ages. ❤🖤💖💜💙

It was around ten o'clock at night at Miss Robichaux's Academy. Cordelia Goode was in her office, looking at the files of all the new witches before bedtime, when she started to hear a strange noise. She couldn't quite make out what it was, so she got up from her chair and started to walk out of her office and could hear the noise getting louder. She was starting to make out the sound, it was sounding more like crying. Who could be crying? A child? No, it couldn't be... Cordelia was thinking to herself as she followed the noise to the front door. She opened the door and saw nothing but the trees blowing in the wind. She was about to go back in and shut the door before she heard a small cry. She looked down and saw a basket with a blanket draped over it. What in the world...? She crouches down and takes the blanket off slightly to look inside, and gasps by what she finds. She takes hold of the basket, and lifts it up gently as she stands up and shuts the door and walks to the living room and sits the basket on the couch.

She takes the blanket completely off and in it is a small, brown haired baby girl, with brown eyes to match. "Oh my god..." Cordelia whispers to herself as she softly picks the baby up and holds it in her arms. "Why would someone just leave you like this?" The baby opens it's eyes and looks up at the beautiful blonde witch, and starts to softly smile. "Hi, sweet girl. You are so beautiful..." she puts her forehead to the baby's, and she starts to coo and reach up to touch Cordelia's face and hair. "I bet you're hungry. Let's see if we can't find you something to eat..." she caries the baby in her arms and walks to the kitchen and manages to find some milk in the refrigerator. She says a quick spell and a baby bottle appears on the counter. She fills it up with the milk and gives it to the baby to drink. I can't raise this baby by myself... Cordelia thinks to herself as she watches the small baby in her arms drinking the milk.

She gets out her cell phone and calls three people who she could trust. About 20 minutes after making the calls, she hears knocking at the door. "You just stay here and drink your milk, okay, baby?" She places the baby on the couch, wrapped up in the red blanket that was on top of the basket. Cordelia walks to the door and opens it to find Billie Dean Howard and Sally Mckenna standing there. "Dee, it's almost twelve o'clock at night, why in the hell would you-" Sally gets cut off by seeing the baby laying on the couch. "Oh my god, when did you get a baby?" She walks over and sits down next to the baby and softly touches her face and takes a hold of her hand. "She is literally the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" She lifts the baby up and starts to talk to her, making her smile and giggle. "Wow, never would've guessed Sal was good with kids. Where did you get the baby, Delia?"

"I just found her outside on the doorstep. And there was no note or anything either." They both walked to the couch and sat on either side of Sally. "She's so beautiful... God, she has more stars in her eyes then the freakin' sky!" Sally says, holding the baby in her lap. "And her hair is the softest thing I've ever felt..." Billie adds, while softly petting the baby's hair. "Where's Wilhelmina? I called her and she said she'd be over soon." As Cordelia said those words, there was a hard knock at the door, making the girls flinch slightly. Cordelia gets up and walks over and opens the door to find Wilhelmina Venable standing there all in purple, with this really annoyed and disgusted look on her face. "Miss Goode, it is almost one o'clock in the morning! Why in the hell would you call me so-" she was cut off to the sound of a baby laughing. She walks past Cordelia and walks into the living room to find Sally and Billie with the baby, making her giggle and smile.

"What the hell is that thing?" "It's a baby, Mina. Delia found her on the doorstep. Isn't she the most adorable thing you've ever seen? Oh, yes you are! yes you are!" Sally says to Mina, then turns her attention back to the baby. "You wanna hold her, Wilhelmina?" "No, I don't want to hold it! I have better things to do than hold a baby!" The baby starts to reach toward Venable's way, making the three girls smile. "I think she wants to meet you, Venny..." Sally says with a smirk as she gets up and walks over to Wilhelmina with the baby in her arms. "Come on, Mina. Holding the baby isn't going to kill you." Billie says, shooting a look at Venable. "Fine, I'll hold it..." she mutters under her breath. Sally walks closer and hands the baby to her. Venable takes a hold of the baby, and the minute she had the small girl in her arms, and she looked up at the beautiful redhead with her big brown eyes, Venable felt like her heart had just melted.

"Oh my god..." she runs her finger over the baby's cheek, and she takes a hold of Mina's finger. "I think she likes you, Mina." Cordelia says, putting her hand on Venable's shoulder. "She's so beautiful..." "So what are we gonna do with her? Cause I wanna keep her!" Sally says. "Well, maybe we could all raise her. Be like, her moms, I guess." Billie suggests. "I'm fine with that..." Sally replies. "We should give her a name. What about Violet?" Mina suggests. "Why am I not surprised you'd come up with a name like that?" Sally says as she rolls her eyes. "Well, let's just all sit down and try to think of a name." Cordelia says, and they all sit down while Delia turned the radio on. As the girls were all brainstorming names for the baby, they all stopped when they heard Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac playing softly on the Radio. They all look at each other and start to smile. "Rhiannon... It's perfect." Mina says softly, looking into the baby's eyes. "What do you think, pumpkin? Is Rhiannon a good name for you?" The baby smiles and starts to giggle. "I think she agrees..." Billie says with a grin.

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